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== How To Test ==
== How To Test ==
<!--This does not need to be a full-fledged document.  Describe the dimensions of tests that this feature is expected to pass when it is done.  If it needs to be tested with different hardware or software configurations, indicate them.  The more specific you can be, the better the community testing can be.
===Under a tree===
* you need two computers with wireless capabilities
* on machine A reveal the palette of the network device (in the frame at the bottom) and click 'Create Network'
* a network item called "<your name>'s Network" is added in the neighborhood view
* on machine B connect to this network
* verify that both machines are connected to the same network; the network device is in connected state and both machines are in the same IP range (listed in the device item's palette)
''Remember that you are writing this how to for interested testers to use to check out your feature - documenting what you do for testing is OK, but it's much better to document what *I* can do to test your feature.''
===Internet Connection sharing===
* you need two computers with wireless capabilities; one needs to either have a second wireless interface or a wired network interface; furthermore you need a wireless or wired connection to the internet
''A good "how to test" should answer these four questions:''
* connect the machine with two interfaces to your internet connection
* create on that machine an ad hoc network as well
* ''What special hardware / data / etc. is needed (if any)?
* connect on the other machine (B) to that ad hoc network
* ''How do I prepare my system to test this feature? What packages need to be installed, config files edited, etc.?
* machine B should be able to use the internet connection of machine A; use for example the Browse activity to verify this
* ''What specific actions do I perform to check that the feature is working like it's supposed to?
* ''What are the expected results of those actions?''-->
== User Experience ==
== User Experience ==
