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Revision as of 15:15, 26 November 2009


Plugins for different view types in Journal.


Current status

  • Targeted release: 0.88
  • Last updated: Thu Jul 9 00:36:45 UTC 2009
  • Percentage of completion: 0%

Detailed Description

The reason to this feature is having Journal views for different purposes i.e. Journal plugin could be very common/simple but views for Books/Video/etc could have some special UI features. Another benefit of Journal plugins is that we can have non-core plugins and distribute them from ASLO.

Purposes to have special Journal plugins API in addition to activities API:

  • security reasons, browsing Journal entries and launch/remove/change objects could be denied for regular activities in next sugar releases
  • Journal integration
    • fast access to plugin views
    • ObjectChooser integration

Plugins API will provide necessary functionality:

  • TreeViewModel as a source of objects; so, all pulugins should use TreeViewModel for list widgets
  • UI widgets, like TreeView, TableView, tag clouds etc.
  • shell related procedures(like activate objects)

Benefit to Sugar

  • browsing different types of sugar object looks the same in many cases (search, tagging etc.). So, keep unified code base and do not split it could be useful idea.
  • for now, some activities have similar functionality(browsing Journal entries), so having plugins, we will use the same theme for browsing features in sugar
  • encourage developers create new view for different purposes


  • affects Journal code in sugar package

How To Test

In progress..

User Experience

All objects browsing features will look equally. It should mean that users will reuse theirs Journal experience in browsing books for example.


Existed glucose dependencies.

Contingency Plan

None necessary, revert to previous release behaviour.


Release Notes

In progress..

Comments and Discussion