0.84/0.83.6 Notes

Sucrose 0.83.6 Release Notes


This is Release Candidate 2 for the upcoming 0.84 Release - see the DevelopmentTeam/Release/Roadmap#Schedule for more details. Only one more weeks to go in this release cycle. Please test this release and report all the bugs you find that we are able to fix them in time. A friendly BugSquad will be available to triage those bugs accordingly and the developers can never have enough bug food. If you have non-bug feedback about features you can use the sugar-devel mailing list to share it with us.

From a user point of view we want to highlight the following changes that have been made:

Resume by Default

Resume by default is now the way we handle activity startup. The option in the Favourites View palette has been removed completely. You can still start a new instance using the 'Start' option in the Activity palette.

View Source

The translation of the dates in the Journal is working now again. Please verify with your favorite language that this works for you. A 'Clear search' button has been added to the 'No matching entries' message, following Eben's specification. Also the space used and left is now displayed in the volume palette in the Journal.

File transfer

We make use now of the files new file transfer files.


Morgan fixed an error that was introduced due to changes in Evince. Please make sure to repackage it.


  • Create a HTTP Cookie to authenticate with the Schoolserver (Martin Langhoff)
  • Deprecation fix: Use bundle_id instead od service_name
  • Set intl.accept_languages based on the locale (Daniel Drake)
  • New Translations

Journal entry palette

The journal entry palette has seen some great improvements. We have a 'View Details' option that brings you to the details of the entry directly. Also the icon for the file transfer was designed and added by Gary C. Martin. Furthermore you do not need to go to the detail view any more to select the activity you want to start or resume the entry with - this option is now available in the palette as well.


Thanks everyone for your great contributions!


When you upgrade a computer running an earlier version,

  • The old datastore will be updated to the new format.
  • Your old profile (in .sugar/default/config) will be imported into GConf

If you later downgrade from Sucrose 0.83.x to an earlier version,

  • The datastore is incompatible
  • You will be prompted to enter all your profile settings like you are on first boot

Most of the activities in Sucrose 0.83.x should be compatible with Sucrose 0.82 , the version shipped with XO Software Release 8.2.0. An exception is Browse, which depends on new versions of XULRunner and Hulahop. Read likewise may soon depend on a new version of Evince

Glucose modules

Glucose news


  • Don't try to hide the tray if the activity has none (alsroot) #395
  • NamingAlert: Icon dependent on the entry type #353
  • Updated Languages


  • Revert "Add a favorites mode setting for deciding if the favorites view resumes by default or not"
  • Listen for changes in the Activities dir and install/uninstall activities accordingly #235
  • Fix sorting of favorite icons by installation_time #387
  • View Source: Option and accelerator in activity frame palette
  • View Source: Use activity icon outline for Bundle Source, part of #360
  • View Source: Hide Python Bytecode files #361
  • Use the file transfer icons
  • Many new translations!


  • Many new translations!


  • Icon for a generic document, part of #360
  • Add view source icon

Fructose modules

Fructose news


  • Translation update


  • AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'evince_embed_init' #351
  • Translation updates.


  • Create a HTTP Cookie to authenticate with the Schoolserver (Martin Langhoff)
  • Deprecation fix: Use bundle_id instead od service_name
  • Set intl.accept_languages based on the locale (Daniel Drake)
  • New Translations

Fructose dependencies