Sugar on a Stick/Roadmap

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This page contains an overview of our plans for the next release. Drafts and ideas may go in here, as well as information regarding deadlines in the roadmap. More detailed pages for planning include Sugar on a Stick/Goals, Sugar on a Stick/Proposals, & Sugar on a Stick/Resources. Feel free to add requests, for example for new activities, below. They will be tracked, together with the overall progress, here.

Note: The Roadmap for the upcoming stable release of the Sugar learning platform is found at 0.114/Roadmap. And proposals at Design Team/Proposals & Features.

Sugar on a Stick is a class of distributions of the Sugar learning platform that enables installation on removable and writable media like Live USB or Secure Digital cards.


Upcoming Release: Sugar on a Stick v2 Beta Release (scheduled for 2009-08-30)

All SoaS tickets in Trac:

What is really important is that every single issue that should get resolved in time needs to be tagged with the appropriate milestone - please keep this in mind when filing tickets! Also, please support us by submitting your hardware information here!


The roadmaps for the SoaS beta and v1 final release have been moved to the archive as new development comes up. The roadmap for the way to v2 later this year is now available!

Preliminary Roadmap (v2)

target date milestone notes
brainstorming phase please submit ideas for features
2009-08-18 Fedora 12 Alpha Release
2009-08-21 Sugar 0.86 Alpha Release (0.85.3)
2009-08-30 Sugar on a Stick v2 Beta Release based on F12 Alpha; not widely announced
2009-09-03 Test Day in cooperation with Fedora; to be confirmed
incorporation of fixes and updates changes must arrive for freeze
2009-09-18 Sugar 0.86 Final Release immediate packaging required
2009-09-22 Fedora 12 Final Freeze
2009-11-03 Fedora 12 Final Release
2009-11-10 Sugar on a Stick v2 Freeze * no changes allowed without approval
release candidates get composed only blocker fixes permitted
2009-11-17 Wiki & Documentation must be ready including splash for main page
2009-11-22 Final Image Creation takes place
2009-11-24 Sugar on a Stick v2 Release RH Magazine Story; to be confirmed
* Freeze Policy
  • No new features are allowed to be introduced
  • Every change must be approved by the development team
  • Only blocker fixes are permitted

Preliminary Features (v2)

Features for the next release are collected here. If you have an idea to add, please do so below, stating that it is a proposal!

(This is a bit of a mix of core Sugar feature proposals and Sugar on a Stick distribution proposals.)
  • Automated Bug Reporting (Bug Buddy & ABRT)
  • Firstboot Inclusion (Theming, Modules, Language Support)
  • Metacity (instead of Matchbox)
  • Installation Support (using anaconda & liveinst)
  • New, upstream, Plymouth Boot Screen
  • Joint Release for each file (.iso / .vmdk / .img / ...)
  • School Server Integration (ds-backup-*)
  • add your proposal title here (proposal), expand on it here, Sugar on a Stick/Proposals


This is the list of activities on SoaS which will currently be included using .xo files. Please file suggestions here with a short note and make sure that the activity is actually on Of course, it also needs to have a maintainer!

Activity Name Sugar Activities
CartoonBuilder yes
Colors yes
FlipSticks yes
FreeCell yes
InfoSlicer yes
IRC yes
JigsawPuzzle yes
JokeMachine yes
Labyrinth yes
Library yes
Memorize yes
Moon yes
Paint yes
Physics yes
Poll yes
Record yes
SliderPuzzle yes
Speak yes
Story Builder yes
ViewSlides yes
add yours here proposal


These packages are directly included in Fedora and will be pulled as RPMs. It's important for us to get the latest bits in SoaS, so these need to be up to date! Note: This list is outdated and needs an overhaul for the next release!

Glucose modules (F11)

Module Name Version (Sugar) Version (Fedora) Notes
sugar-toolkit 0.84.4 0.84.4 done 2009-04-06
sugar 0.84.6 0.84.6 done 2009-04-16
sugar-artwork 0.84.1 0.84.1 done 2009-03-11
sugar-base 0.84.1 0.84.1 done 2009-03-03
sugar-datastore 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 2009-03-03
sugar-presence-service 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 2009-03-04
etoys 4.0.2212 4.0.2212 done 2009-06-03
hulahop 0.4.9 0.4.9 done 2009-03-30

Fructose modules (F11)

Activity Name Version (Sugar) Version (Fedora) Notes
read 67 67 done 2009-06-20
chat 65 65 done 2009-04-01
terminal 25 25 done 2009-03-28
imageviewer 10 (to be distributed: 7) 7 to be done
jukebox 11 (to be distributed: 8) 8 done 2009-04-06
turtleart 51 41 done 2009-06-03
browse 108 108 done 2009-04-06
etoys 101 101 (part of the etoys package) done 2009-06-03
write 63 63 done 2009-03-03
calculate 30 30 done 2009-05-18
log 18 18 done 2009-04-06
pippy 31 25 to be done (will be shipped from 31)