Marketing Team/Events/LinuxTag2010

LinuxTag 2010


Event Details

LinuxTag is the most important place for Linux and open source software in Europe. In 2010, the 16th LinuxTag presents news for professional users, decision makers, developers, beginners and the Linux community - from 9th until 12th June on the Fairground in Berlin. For more information, go to the LinuxTag 2010 website.

Here are instructions how you get to Linuxtag.

Sugar Organizer

Simon Schampijer will be organizing Sugar's presence at LinuxTag 2010.


Are you planning to attend? Add your name and contact info below!

Name available from to stays at Note
Simon Schampijer - local -
Raffael Reichelt - local -
Tony Anderson - local -

Sugar Activities

Sugar does advocate the concepts of activities - you learn through doing, so if you want more learning you want more doing. So the Sugar Labs team wants to get engaged at Linuxtag:

  1. We will aim to have a booth like last year
  2. There should be talks about Sugar, too

Sugar Booth

to be determined


to be determined

Storage Space

We have a coops (Germans would say Kabüffchen as a diminutive of Kabuff) at the booths. As this is only meant for booth equipment all the other belongings like jackets, luggage etc can be stored at the wardrobe without any cost.

Power and Internet Connectivity

Power and Internet will be provided by LinuxTag and Messe Berlin for the project booths. What we need are:

  • extension cords
  • long network cables
  • switches

Not permitted by Linuxtag:

  • wireless access points (You are not permitted to operate your private wireless LAN. Please take this serious. There will be several site surveys to ensure this.) - Mesh networking is allowed though
  • coffeemakers, kettles and cooking stuff
  • connect visitors to the project's network


Linuxtag is offering Lunch for the helpers. If we want to participate we would need helpers and not only eaters. More information can be found at.



to be determined


  • Sugar Labs Booth Banner (1)
  • Sugar Labs balloons (30), bars (68), clips (50)
  • Flyers


  • Accommodation Information from Linuxtag
  • Pension Freiraum
    • Nice area with bars restaurant cafe, about 25 minutes to the conference
  • Hotel Funkturm
    • right next door to the conference area (room 4-6 persons, 100euro per night for the room, inclusive breakfast)


to be determined


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