
< 0.98
Revision as of 04:29, 23 October 2012 by Erikos (talk | contribs) (→‎Fructose modules: updated to latest releases)
english HowTo [ID# 83693] 

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Sucrose 0.98 Release Notes


Sugar 0.98 is the new version of the Sugar learning platform. It will be released the November the 07th 2012 (see 0.98/Roadmap#Schedule for details).

The main changes in this cycle will be the ported Shell to use GTK+ 3 and Pygobject3 and the touch support in the UI.

What is new for users

Alphabetical ordering in the Home View

The icons in the Home View are now ordered alphabetically. This change has been applied to the favourites view and the activities list view.

What's new for developers

Activity Authors guidelines

The most important change is that the GTK+ 2 based sugar-toolkit has been deprecated since Sugar 0.96. Newly written activities should use sugar-toolkit-gtk3, which is based on GTK+ 3 and Pygobject3, now. There will be only bug fixes being available in the future for the old toolkit no new features will be made available for it and it will probably go away at one point completely. Detailed guidelines for porting existing activities can be found at Features/GTK3/Porting.



  • The RadioTooolButton expects the "icon_name" property instead of the "named_icon". The API of ToolButton, RadioToolButton and ToggleToolButton has been adjusted to override the icon-name property and add an Icon instance with the set_icon_widget method. This change brings consistent behaviour for all those widgets.

Please see as well the 0.96/Notes#API for which API has been removed during the switch from toolkit-gtk2 to toolkit-gtk3.


There is a brand new step-by-step guide for developing Activities under Fedora 17.

What's new for packagers

  • python-cjson is no longer a dependency of Sugar
  • latest libxklavier is a soft dependency

Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n)


Activities that has been ported to sugar-toolkit-gtk3 will not run on older Sugar versions where the new toolkit is not available. Which means latest Browse and Read will not run on Sugar versions < 0.96. This is reflected in the activity providing backend ASLO where the activities are marked >= 0.96 only.

Getting the sources

If you want to package Sugar for your favorite distribution or just want to examine Sugar's lovely code here are the released bundles. If you are interested in the full changelog you can use the Sugar git repositories.

Glucose modules

Fructose modules

How to contribute with testing


This cycle we want to especially thank the contributors to the GTK+ 3/pygobject3 port of the shell! Thanks to Daniel Narvaez for all his help here.

Many people contributed to this release indirectly, including testing, documentation, translation, contributing to the Wiki, outreach to education and developer communities. On behalf of the community, we give our warmest thanks to the developers and contributors who made this Sugar release possible.

We want to especially thank:

  • the Infrastructure team which does all this great work in the background without which the development would not be possible at all,
  • the deployments that provide the development team with feedback from the field,
  • the Design team which guided the design of features with UI changes or impact on the workflow,
  • the Translation team which makes sure that Sugar is enjoyable in the local languages of our users,
  • the developers that submit patches for new features and bug fixes and do review other's patches,
  • the maintainers that make sure their code is shippable and which provide packagers with new tarballs,
  • the packagers which provide distributions with new Sugar packages,
  • the SoaS team for providing a Sugar version to test with during the development cycle,
  • the testers for finding the small and bigger issues,

Looking forward to 1.0

In the 1.0 we want to focus on the API and fix all the little Todos and Fixmes we never got around to.