Deployment Team/Meetings/Minutes/2008-09-10

< Deployment Team‎ | Meetings
Revision as of 16:29, 3 April 2009 by Dfarning (talk | contribs) (fix camelcase links)


  • Brief introductions
  • Define mission of the deployment team
    • Communication
    • Support.. events, can local institutions support sugar deployments trough Sugar Labs?
  • Review/define processes for communication (mailing lists, irc, wiki)
  • Discuss potential opportunities for support
    • Localization support for Sugar ?
Floss manuals.


After brief introductions, we delved into a discussion of how to engage teachers—the primary gatekeepers of information about how Sugar is used for learning—in a dialog with Sugar developers. Given that most of the attendees were from Latin America, the focus was to use outreach in that region as an exemplar for others. We agreed on the following action items:

  1. Flesh out the links on this page
  2. Including to create a list of opportunities for meetings between teachers and developers
  3. Start working on a Guide to a small Sugar deployment
  4. Start working on a Guide for Latin American Sugar deployments
  5. Start working on a Guide to community outreach
  6. Organize a translation sprint for the Sugar manuals (work has already begun on both Spanish and Italian translations
  7. Engage teachers in giving feedback on the lists (principally Sur and IAEP)


Deployment Team/Meetings/2008-09-10/Log