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0.86/0.85.7 Notes
Sucrose 0.85.7 Release Notes
This is really the last development release in the 0.86 release cycle - see the 0.86/Roadmap#Schedule for more details. Note, that we slipped the final 0.86 release by one week.
Please test the landed features carefully. More information about what is new in this release can be found in the 0.86/Notes - please mind that this is ongoing work. Please report any bug and workflow issue you find to get them in good shape for the final release. A friendly BugSquad will be available to triage those bugs accordingly and the developers can never have enough bug food. If you have non-bug feedback about features you can use the sugar-devel mailing list to share it with us.
There are no known compatibility issues, as of today.
Update to this version
Please use the instructions for your distribution (Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian etc) of choice to upgrade to this release.
Glucose modules
- sugar-toolkit 0.85.8
- sugar 0.85.8
- sugar-artwork 0.85.4
- sugar-base 0.85.6
- sugar-datastore 0.85.4
- sugar-presence-service 0.85.3
- etoys 4.0.2318
Glucose news
- ASLO knows only about stable SP releases #1369
- Sugar craches during undo for the first Keyboard component startup #1341
- favoritesview.py: icon-color KeyError #976
- python-xklavier fail during startup #1326
- if the Sugar control panel is open, then Frame icons are inoperable #453
- Typing in the My Settings (control panel) search field has no effect #872
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Fail gently on bad bundles #1359
- Remove the column headers from Journal gtk.treeview #1278
- Install sugar-emulator.desktop application file #1139
- Journal using wrong icon to represent itself in bottom media tray #1092
- Sugar needs to accept None as a layout #1147
- Remove the column headers from Home list view's gtk.treeview #1279
- Remove the column headers from Journal gtk.treeview #1278
- Activity instance titles should appear in the primary palette, along with the activity name. #425
- sugar-launch doesn't cwd to the bundle dir #676
- Journal list view: jumping back to first page when popping up a palette #1235
- Color of sugar.activity.widgets.ActivityButton is owners all time despite of 'icon-color' metadata property #1368
- Circular dependecy in ToolbarBox #1389
- ObjectChooser displays USB media files, but fails to access file (datastore traceback) #1241
- After using CP, the XO home palette is incorrectly scrolled (blank lines + missing item) #231
- When in fullscreen mode in an activity, frame doesnt pop-up #1335
- Invoke WindowPalette.popdown when menu property is None #1323
- When in fullscreen mode in an activity, frame doesnt pop-up #1335
- Error while initiating .sugar environment #1327
- close collaboration tube after the activity window is destroyed #1296
- UndoButton is now setting <Ctrl>+Q as its default accelerator breaking activity Quit default #1287
- current activity palette doesn't popup #1338
- Press-unpress of right mouse button cuts text from gtk entry widgets #1350
- Use basename for uploaded files by default in copy-to-journal script #1372
- buddy colors aren't transferred when using salut #1320
- updated translation: ja
- nicer About flap
- put Grab Patch and Lasso tools back into Supplies
- fix project server URLs and default categories
- catch a network error
- fix error when creating new projects
Fructose modules
- read 74
- chat 66
- terminal 26
- imageviewer 12
- jukebox 8
- turtleart 65
- browse 113
- etoys 106
- write 67
- calculate 28
- log 23
- pippy 34
Fructose news
- Better naming when uploading an entry #901 (Aleksey)
- Listen for mouseout event to popdown palette #1314
- New translations
- Set bundle id in metadata explicitly (addresses #1172)
- Workaround possible Evince libview API issues. #1328
- Use gobject.timeout_add_seconds instead of gobject.timeout_add
- Updated translations for French and Japanese
- Implement write_file() properly. Fixes #1264
- Use add_with_viewport() instead of add() (fixes scrollbar issues)
- Update French and Japanese translations