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Oversight Board/2010/Meeting Minutes-2010-01-22
- Quick status report
- Background on our various projects
- Q and (perhaps some) A
- Replacement for Solarsail
Motion: Authorize Bernie to purchase a new server to replace Solarsail. The cost should not exceed US$ ???.
- Wikipedia servers
Motion: Authorize Luke to ship some used hardware from the Wikipedia Foundation (12 servers) to various hosting sites. The cost should not exceed US$300.
Goals and scope
We are working on completing and ratifying a trademark policy for the Sugar Labs marks, which are held by the SFC on behalf of SL. This policy will have to be approved by the SFLC before it becomes legally binding; once it does, it will affect the following marks when used in a Sugar Labs context:
- Sugar Labs (trademark registered)
- Sugar on a Stick (trademark in the process of being registered)
- Sugar Labs Partner
- Sugar Ready
- Sugar Learning Platform
- Sugar
Current status
We currently have no ratified trademark policy. We have been using Sugar_Labs/Governance/Trademark as our guide on individual cases in the interim. The current draft of our trademark policy is available at Talk:Sugar_Labs/Governance/Trademark#Sugar_Trademark_Policy.
Prior decisions
We have passed several trademark-related decisions in the interim that may be affected by our policy ratification decision.
- MOTION: Yes, "Sugar on a Stick" should be reserved by Sugar Labs for use by the SoaS-Fedora distribution so that Sugar can be marketed effectively, until such time when a trademark policy, agreement, and process is put in place: SoaS will be the first project to go through that process.
- The upcoming Sugar on a Stick release, which will be a Fedora 13 spin, is approved to use the Sugar on a Stick name.
References and resources
We have been drawing inspiration from how other open source projects have written their trademark policies.
- Fedora secondary trademark usage guidelines
- Fedora guidelines on mark usage for distribution of Fedora software in combinatio n with modified or non-Fedora software
- Fedora business website trademark guidelines
- Fedora Remix guidelines)
- OpenSUSE Trademark and Remix Guidelines
- using the "Linux" trademark
Discussion points
- The idea of having a trademark secretary to act as a point of contact throughout the process.
- Technical setup: Have "trademark AT sugarlabs DOT org" set up as an email alias that sends the message to iaep with a [trademark] tag.
- Logistical setup: The trademark secretary would be responsible for responses to all emails with that tag, as part of their duties (see draft of motion below).
- Governance setup: The trademark secretary would be an interim appointed position until the next election cycle (fall), at which time if we decide it has been useful and wish to make it a regular appointed position (like ombudsman and treasurer), we can.
To be called when the discussion is over, and there is general consensus that the trademark policy draft is ready:
MOTION: Approve the trademark policy listed at LINK.
MOTION: To appoint NAME as trademark secretary until the next election/appointment cycle, to be responsible for answering queries on trademark policy as set by SLOBs, acting as a guide/coach/advocate to parties requesting trademark usage and assisting them in putting motions on the topic before SLOBs, and maintaining public records so that all can track relevant SLOBs decisions on the matter.
The following action items need to be taken by somebody.
- #action Clean up the wiki pages to reflect this discussion, making any redirects needed to clarify that all prior draft work has been pulled into the current, SLOBs-ratified trademark policy. Note on the policy page that the policy is pending approval by the SFLC.
- #action Notify the community of the trademark ratification via the usual means (iaep with a [SLOBs] tag, Planet).
- #action Forward the trademark policy to the SFLC for approval; check in on progress next week.
- #action Perform any necessary follow-up with the parties involved in related #Prior decisions to ensure past decisions are brought up to date to be compliant with the current (newly ratified) policy. In particular, start SoaS through the trademark approval process.
Goals for 2010
Proposed 2010 goals for Sugar Labs (very rough first pass)
- Release Sucrose 0.88 and 0.90 in order to provide a more useful and stable learning platform for deployments and developers
- Release Sucrose 0.88 in March
- Release Sucrose 0.90 in November
- Deliver a product that has been well tested for usability and accessibility needs
- Make successful launches with great marketing campaigns
- Promote corresponding SoaS releases with Fedora
- Make progress on a REL-based release of Sugar
- Make Sugar the learning platform of choice for 2010
- Support existing local user groups (e.g., local Sugar Labs) and work to create new ones
- Have SL representation at major free software and education events
- Establish relationship with third-party solution providers to help them understand the benefits of Sugar
- Work with other learning programs that complement our efforts
- Explore Sugar in the context of mobile devices and web-based services
- Make Sugar Labs the place for working on learning-related technologies
- Provide forums for teachers and developers to collaborate
- Demonstrate leadership by providing great tools for the appropriation and application of knowledge
- Always ask: how does this impact the learning
- Eat our own dogfood
- Promote free software
- Be transparent and open to critique
- Encourage new people to join our project
Future issues to address
None immediately, as of now - Oversight_Board/Minutes may provide some inspiration. Please add topics to the list if they come up.