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Scratch Day 2010
Scratch Day is May 22nd. We will be holding our Second annual event at the Arlington Career Center (see the Scratch Day website http://day.scratch.mit.edu/event/206) This year we are doing a "Scratch Circus" with fun events for Scratchers of all ages!
- Workshop for teens and parents
- Workshop for young children ages 7-12
- Confirmed special guest: Michael Badger, author of the book, Scratch 1.4: Beginner's Guide http://www.scratchguide.com Michael's Blog and Profile http://www.badgerfiles.com
- Raffle of Scratch books!
Scratch Circus 2010 Sponsor
Packt Publishing
Packt Publishing has generously supplied copies of the Scratch 1.4 Beginner's Guide and discount flyers for Scratch Circus.
The first Scratch Day planning meeting at the ACC Saturday, 4/17, 1pm http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/hold-saturday-522-for-scratch-day-in-arlington/
- Jeff's email "Scratch Day 2010 - Let's Make It A Circus!" http://www.mail-archive.com/scratch@lists.launchpad.net/msg00087.html
- Scratch Day 2010 Planning Resources from MIT http://scratched.media.mit.edu/stories/scratch-day-2010
- Karen Brennan's Scratch Day 2010 Promotional Video http://scratched.media.mit.edu/stories/scratch-day-2010
- Photos of Scratch Day 2009 Arlington event and promotional materials http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&ss=2&w=48600098314%40N01&q=scratchday&m=text
Promotional Materials
- Scratch Day Circus Cat Artwork in large JPEG
- Scratch Day Circus Cat Artwork in small 450px wide JPEG for blogs
- Scratch Day Circus Cat Artwork in small 450px wide PNG for blogs
- Scratch Day Circus Cat Artwork in Adobe Illustrator CS3 native format
- Scratch Day Circus Cat Artwork in EPS
- Scratch Day Flyer
- Packt Publishing logo