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english| Copy "{{Translations/Target | source = User:Dfarning | lang = es | status = wanted}}" to español | HowTo [ID# 6798] +/- |
David Farning
I am a new contributor to sugar labs.
- Community Building
- write api documentation tutorial.
- Clean up wiki translation infrastructure.
- Make the wiki more community centric.
- Create checklist for creating a team.
- Start the BugSquad
- Wiki infrastructure
- look into anti-spam extensions.
- wiki content
- Go through iaep looking for information to add to the wiki.
- Work on organizing the developer portion of the community.
- Create activities.sugarlabs.org based on addons.mozilla.org.
- Moving sugar developer related contents from w.l.o to w.s.o.
- Follow up on UITeam/Hig/Sugar move started June 5
- Follow up on DevelopmentTeam/Jhbuild move started June 6
- Follow up on DevelopmentTeam move started June 6
- setup pymediawiki(bot framework) to work on w.s.o.
- Setup infrastructure for automatically creating sugar API documentation from the source code.
- Create teams framework.