
You have an Ubuntu system and you wish to try Sugar?


As of 2012-02, Ubuntu does not have a stable version of Sugar in the Ubuntu repositories.

Until this is fixed, try one of these options:

  • use Sweets on Ubuntu, recommended for Ubuntu 11.04, see below,
  • use a virtual appliance, compatible with any version of Ubuntu, see below,
  • use the unstable version 0.90 of Sugar, from the Ubuntu repositories, compatible with any version of Ubuntu, see below, or
  • install from Sugar source.

 How to install Sweets on Ubuntu

Install packages on an Ubuntu system so that you may run Sugar.

See How to install Sweets on Ubuntu.

How to install a virtual appliance

Install a virtual appliance based on Ubuntu:

There are other virtual appliances based on other distributions, which can be imported into virtualisation software on Ubuntu.

How to install Sugar 0.88.1 on Ubuntu 11.10

  • supported by ubuntu until April 2012
  • Ubuntu has updated Software Center and now only 0.88.1 sugar is offered. Tested --Satellit 14:44, 4 March 2012 (EST)

There are many problems with Sugar on Ubuntu, many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the Sweets or virtual appliance methods instead. There is only firefox offered as a browser and it is not fully "sugarized" and will not install .xo files correctly as it cannot access the sugar-journal

To install Sugar 0.88.1 on Ubuntu 11.10:

  • click on Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on sugar-emulator
  • click on Install.
  • click and install other required applications

Sugar will be downloaded and installed.

  • To start Sugar,: Applications/Education/Sugar
  1. right click on sugar and add to desktop
  2. right click on XO Sugar Avatar on Desktop
  3. Properties: change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)

How to install Sugar 0.87.2 on Ubuntu 10.40.4 LTS

  • supported by ubuntu until April 2013

To install Sugar 0.87.2 on Ubuntu 10.40:

  • click on Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on sugar-emulator
  • click on Install.
  • click and install other required applications
  • To start Sugar,: Applications/Education/Sugar
  1. right click on sugar and add to desktop
  2. right click on XO Sugar Avatar on Desktop
  3. Properties: change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)

How to install Sugar 0.90.1 or 0.88 on Ubuntu 11.04

  • 'supported by Ubuntu until October 2012

There are many problems with Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu, many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the Sweets or virtual appliance methods instead.

  • Note: The Ubuntu Sugar Remix; sugar 0.88 and sugar 0.90 are offered but 0.90 is default install with sugar-emulator. Sugar emulator 0.88 is also available--Satellit 15:03, 4 March 2012 (EST)

To install Sugar 0.90.1 on Ubuntu 11.04:

  • click on Applications, then Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on Install.

Sugar will be downloaded and installed.

To start Sugar, click on Applications, then Education, then Sugar.