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Revision as of 17:17, 21 February 2010 by Anal bleaching (talk | contribs) (moved User:Dfarning to Anal bleaching 5: Anal bleaching)
David Farning
I am a new contributor to Sugar Labs.
- Community Building
- Fix or remove link "About Sugar Labs" in the bottom CC/MediaWiki bar
- Start the BugSquad
- Write api documentation tutorial
- Work on Wiki infrastructure
- Clean up wiki translation infrastructure
- ifexist broken in current implementation (dfarning 18:08, 2 July 2008 (UTC))
- Establish relationship with educational spins
- Skolelinux
- Edubuntu
- Fedora edu
- Outreach to educational communities.
- Outreach to embedded communities.
- Create activities.sugarlabs.org based on addons.mozilla.org.
- Initial a.m.o patchset is pending review by Mozilla