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Oversight Board/2010/Meeting Log-2010-09-28
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- <walterbender> quorum call...
- walterbender:is present
- satellit_:listening
- <CanoeBerry> Hiya Hiya
- <walterbender> hi adam
- hi tom
- bernie, cjb , mchua, tomeu ???
- bernie told /me he'd be here today:)
- <tomeu> hi all
- tomeu:still in pootle land
- <walterbender> tomeu: thank you for taking this on...
- tomeu: any light at the end of the tunnel?
- <tomeu> yes, I think we are close now
- <CanoeBerry> what's the pootle issue?
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: it has been neglected of late and many commits had not been pushed in either direction
- CanoeBerry: so the i18n for this release is a bit of a mess
- <CanoeBerry> Sayamindu's been enjoying too much tea at the Media Lab 4pm's Friday, we know where to find him if nec ;)
- Folks may want to grab the MP3 later today for this hourlong show on Teach for America I just listened to here:
- http://www.onpointradio.org/2010/09/wendy-kopp
- Sadly didn't catch all the details, but Teach for America is shaking up US campuses..
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: university campuses???
- <CanoeBerry> Yes.
- Undergrads are surging in their applications to ToA like never before.. the dream to invest love into primary schools is one thing that's working in this country:)
- TfA i meant
- <walterbender> how does this impact university??? it is a post-grad program?
- I could see it impacting ed schools...
- <CanoeBerry> I gather over 10% of MIT undergrad seniors applied to TfA this spring.
- That shakes up the dialogue on campuses like MIT.
- <cjb> Hi, I'm here
- Bernie might be busy because his visa finally came through:)
- tomeu: awesome, thank you very much for looking at Pootle!
- <walterbender> cjb: great news about the visa... just yesterday he didn't think it was going to happen.
- <CanoeBerry> VISA!
- <walterbender> so we have a quorum... we should begin.
- start-meeting
- I don't have a lot to discuss today except the election and the release...
- but I wanted to meet because I am going to be traveling so much this month... need to grab whatever opportunities we can.
- topic SLOB election
- I can double-check with Luke, but I think he has been tracking membership OK.
- I am disappointed that our ranks have not been swelled by teachers, alas.
- but I am more concerned about a lack of official candidates... right now, we only have 1 person who has contacted me to say that they are definitely running: SMParrish
- which is great that he is running, but we have 3 positions to fill
- I will try to convince Rosamel to officially announce... she is great and has had a lot of enthusiastic endorsements.
- but I also want to pin down a few more...
- <CanoeBerry> i put my name here:
- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2010-2011-candidates
- <cjb> walterbender: I'm in two minds about letting someone else have a turn, but I'm certainly willing if we end up short on candidates
- <walterbender> (hey ... my #start-meeting didn't start:( )
- startmeeting
- <sugaroid> Meeting started Tue Sep 28 15:20:17 2010 UTC. The chair is walterbender. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
- Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #endmeeting
- <meeting> Meeting started at 11:20 UTC. The chair is walterbender.
- Commands Available: #TOPIC, #IDEA, #ACTION, #AGREED, #LINK
- <walterbender> #action walter is post backlog to the official log since #start-meeting is not an alias for #startmeeting:(
- CanoeBerry: glad to hear you are running again!!!
- <CanoeBerry> sorry if i misunderstood the process.
- i followed last year's routine:)
- <walterbender> I added SMParrish too.. and I will add a link from the wiki home page...
- <CanoeBerry> Is the Rosamel possiblity real?
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: I hope so... I'll try to contact her... I think the biggest obstacle is she is not very comfortable with English.
- didn't we have an auto-translation chat going at one point in this channel??
- <cjb> yeah, "transbot"
- <walterbender> maybe that is enough to get her over the bump in the road...
- <CanoeBerry> Bert's comment is eerily accurate -- English is the de facto Esperanto of global organizing..
- <walterbender> I agree...
- and the urban legend is that more people speak Klingon from StarTrek than Esperanto:)
- <tomeu> what about reaching out to one of the english-speaking teachers we know?
- gerald, tony, who else?
- <walterbender> OK. I'll do one more call for candidates and I'll reach out to a few more folks (Gerald A., for example).
- <CanoeBerry> What is our hard deadline Fri Oct 1?
- <walterbender> Well, I think we could slip to Monday, but we should respect the process we outlined.
- <CanoeBerry> Apparently 5PM Fri Oct 1 according to http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members ?
- <walterbender> Alas, I am traveling the next 3 days (to OWF in Paris)
- <CanoeBerry> 5PM EDT..
- <walterbender> #action walter will make one more call for candidates before heading to the airport
- walterbender:hopes to be able to contact Sean while in Paris
- <CanoeBerry> walterbender: does your manic jetset life include SF?:)
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: I will know soon...
- <CanoeBerry> Cool!
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: I have a trip to Costa Rica next week and then Paraguay before SF:)
- <CanoeBerry> Right.
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: and maybe Mexico before... definitely afterward...
- and it goes on and on... crazy fall
- <CanoeBerry> Special Request to ALL for SF Topics -- please add core priorities here:
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_SanFranciscoBayArea/OLPCSF_Community_Summit_2010#Schedule_of_sessions
- Then the OLPC-SF organizers themselves can piece this together into a schedule!
- <walterbender> seems like an exciting weekend
- <CanoeBerry> And pre-wkd too.
- And post-wkd party:)
- <walterbender> we also have talked about the need for a Sugar Camp for developers soon... to discuss Python and GNOME 3.0
- <cjb> walterbender: Ah, deadline coming up -- okay, please add me as a candidate:)
- <walterbender> cjb: thank you.
- <cjb> If you don't mind, I might decide to stand aside later if we have a good field of other candidates.
- <CanoeBerry> Done: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2010-2011-candidates
- <walterbender> cjb: always an option.
- shall we switch topics?
- I'd like to just touch on 0.90 to make sure we all know where we are at...
- topic 0.90
- We had a slight glitch with Pootle, but it seems that Tomeu (with input from cjl and others) has managed to get things working again...
- and we have a candidate to replace/augment Sayamindu, who is being consumed by school
- Erikos has already gotten a good start on the release notes: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Notes
- all in all, despite the late start, I think it is a significant release
- <CanoeBerry> other topics?
- <walterbender> no comments from the peanut gallery?
- satellit_:Soas status: 3 bugs;2339;2351;2355 + no read but works ( latest Nightly Compose)
- <walterbender> let me propose a motion:
- We, the SLOB, acknowledge and praise the efforts of the release team for bringing us 0.90!!
- <CanoeBerry> Can we spell out the Release Team's contributors?
- walterbender:is a bit worried abut marketing... I just did one interview, but we don't have Sean's blitz lined up...
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: we can mention its leader, erikos... the membership is a bit fuzzy... tomeu and alsroot of course... any many contributions from the community
- walterbender:has nothing else today... anyone else?
- <CanoeBerry> Great +1 if we want to vote!
- <cjb> seconded, +1:)
- <walterbender> OK... let's vote...
- walterbender:+1
- <tomeu> would be good if people wanted to add themselves to the teams they belong to in the wiki
- this is a bit ridiculous: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development_Team/Contacts
- <CanoeBerry> tomeu: care to vote?
- <tomeu> +1, but I would prefer to see more people joining the team:)
- <walterbender> tomeu: I never new there was a list at all... perhaps it should be linked to from the Join link...
- <tomeu> walterbender: all teams have a list
- <CanoeBerry> Motion Carries.
- <walterbender> tomeu: but no team has a list that is easy to find...
- <CanoeBerry> walterbender: speaking of teambuilding, do you have a favorite bio/pic if you will participate in SF Summit Oct 22-24 in person or remotely?
- <tomeu> walterbender: the team bar has a Contacts link
- <CanoeBerry> walterbender: You should post that here: http://olpcsf.org/CommunitySummit2010/people.php
- <walterbender> tomeu: I assumed that was how to contact the team, not the member's list...
- <tomeu> walterbender: let's improve it then:)
- <walterbender> CanoeBerry: will try to...
- <CanoeBerry> Thx, email that to me today if poss.
- <walterbender> tomeu: agreed... was just thinking about the specifics.
- <tomeu> but well, I don't think the community has given much importance to the teams structure anyway
- <CanoeBerry> I have to run at Noon sharp here, anything else?
- <walterbender> tomeu: probably not, in general... but in a few specific cases, it has been important...
- CanoeBerry: I think we are done for today...
- thanks all for attending.
- <CanoeBerry> Cheerio
- <walterbender> FYI, I emailed Rosamel (in broken Spanish)
- endmeeting
- <sugaroid> Meeting ended Tue Sep 28 16:00:25 2010 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. (v 0.1.4)
- Minutes: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2010-09-28T15:20:17.html
- Log: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2010-09-28T15:20:17
- <meeting> Meeting finished at 12:01.
- Logs available at http://me.etin.gs/sugar-meeting/sugar-meeting.log.20100928_1120.html