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Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials
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Tony Forster's Blog
Tony Forster has written a number of blog posts about his experiments with Turtle Art:
- Using Python blocks in TurtleArt
- Turtle Lander
- Reprogramming Sugar
- Turtle random File:Turtle Blocks Activity random.ta (English & español)
- Turtle random V2 File:Turtle Blocks Activity randomv3.ta (English & español)
- Turtle Lissajous File:Turtle Art lisajous.ta (English & español)
- Turtle spring damper File:Turtle spring damper.ta (English & español)
- color and shade
- Turtle Art shapes
- Bouncing Turtle File:TurtleArt bounce.ta
- Turtle Pythagoras 1, 2
- Turtle graph File:Turtle graph.ta
- Turtle Pi File:Turtle pi.ta (English & español)
- Turtle Pi, another one File:Turtle Blocks pi another.ta (English & español)
- Turtle fractions File:TmpBtvKZX.ta (English & español)
- Turtle interactive multimedia
- capture numeric input File:Turtle Art getnumber.ta (English & español)
- Turtle eFile:Turtle e.ta (English & español)
- Turtle spirograph File:Turtle Art spirograph.ta (English & español)
- Mouse support File:Turtle Art Activity mouse.ta
- Turtle-sieve-of-Eratosthenes File:Turtle Art Activity eratos.ta (English & español)
- Turtle sliderule
- Turtle Diophantine File:Turtle Blocks Activity Diophantine.ta, see also (English & español)
- Turtle Paint File:Turtle Blocks Activity paint.doc
- Turtle Music Keyboard File:Turtle Art Activity keyboard.doc (English & español)
- Text to speech
- Talking clock File:Talking clock.ta
- Pie chart File:Turtle Art Activity pie chart.ta
- Singing turtle
- screen broadcast
- Maths, flip and rotate File:Flipandrotate.ta
- Maths, fractions and decimals File:Turtle Art Activity baloon0-1.ta
An bringing it all together, the Turtle Art Oscilloscope.
Tony has also used the programmable block to do file IO.
Video Tutorials
I know there are a few but they are not categorized on this page... we'll make that happen soon. Help would be appreciated.