Activities/Fraction Bounce

Fraction Bounce Activity

FractionBounce is a game that prompts the player to nudge a bouncing ball to land at a point on the bottom of the screen that is an estimate of a given fraction. E.g., if 2/3 is displayed on the ball, then the ball must land 2/3 the distance along the bottom.


How to play Fraction Bounce

  1. Click on the ball to begin.
  2. Use the arrow keys (or the letters h and l) to move the ball left or right during its trajectory; any other key will cause the ball to drop straight down.

If you have an XO 1.75 laptop, you can use the accelerometer to move the ball left and right.


  • Every time you get a correct answer, a smiley face is added to the background image.
  • The delay between games decreases the longer you play.
  • The complexity of the fractions increases the longer you play.
  • Once you get 100 correct answers, the bar at the bottom of the screen becomes solid.
  • As of v5, you can choose between fractions and percentages
  • As of v5, you can add custom fractions



  • The 1/2 button is used to specify fractions; the % button is used to specify percentages
  • The custom toolbar is used to enter the numerator and denominator of additional fractions]]

Where to get Fraction Bounce

The Portfolio activity is available for download from the Sugar activity portal: FractionBounce

The source code is available on the Sugar Labs Gitorious server.

Where to report problems

You can report bugs and make feature requests on our bug-tracking system (You need to create an account first). To list all open tickets of FractionBounce you can use query component=FractionBounce. You are also welcome to leave comments/suggestions on the Talk:Activities/FractionBounce page.