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Features/GTK3/Porting/Typing Turtle
This page is being performed while I'm porting Typing Turtle Activity to Gtk3.
There is a ticket with some useful information that I'm using on the porting and to keep tracking this port. Besides, this wiki page will be useful to write some code snippets about what are the difficulties that I'm having on the port and maybe can be useful for someone else.
I will take this guide as reference on the Gtk3 porting.
Port to Cairo
README: before to port this activity to GTK3, we should port it to Cairo as the first step and then move to GTK3.
Code Snippets
Draw a rectangle
To draw a rectangle we used to do:
gc = self.window.new_gc() gc.foreground = self.area.get_colormap().alloc_color(50000, 50000, 50000) self.area.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, x, y, w, h)
The arguments for alloc_color are between 1-
now, with cairo we should do something like this
cr.set_source_rgb(0.762, 0.762, 0.762) cr.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cr.fill()
gc.foreground = self.area.get_colormap().alloc_color(0, 0, 0) self.area.window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, x, y, w, h)
Code Snippets
gc = self.get_style().fg_gc[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]
replaced by:
gc = self.get_style().fg[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]
self.layout = self.create_pango_layout() self.layout.set_text(self.title_original)
replaced by:
self.layout = self.create_pango_layout() self.layout.set_text(self.title_original, len(self.title_original)
self.lessonbuffer = Gtk.TextBuffer.new(self.tagtable) self.lessontext = Gtk.TextView.new_with_buffer(self.lessonbuffer)
instructions_tag = Gtk.TextTag('instructions')
replaced by:
instructions_tag = Gtk.TextTag.new('instructions')
entries = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval)
replaced by:
valid, entries = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval)
Every entry was a tuple of (keycode, group, level). Now, this is an object with those attributes.