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Testing Sugar 0.102
This page contains information and resources for testing this Sugar release.
What Should I test
Even though some general testing is required to detect regressions, it is important to give special attention to the new features. Some of these features are:
- Gender and Age in About Me control panel section.
- Limited number of activities and instance of activities that can be opened at once.
- Displaying icons on the Update control panel section.
- Rework of Network control panel section.
- Labels for Web Services control panel section.
- Layout of Languages selection method in control panel section.
- Filters toolbar in the Journal.
- Notification system to display messages from system and activities. Features/Notification System
- Sound adjustment options in the frame, to adjust microphone.
- Identify external volumes (eg USB drives) by colors.
Testing with a XO
We have created images with the latest Sugar 0.102 sources. These builds are "clean" Sugar Labs images, which do not include any customization.
- XO-4 41002SL4.zd (md5)
- XO-1.75 41002SL2.zd (md5)
- XO-1.5 41002SL1.zd (md5)
- XO-1 41002SL0.img crc([1])
- SD images for XO-1 41002SL0.zd ([2]) (UPLOADING)
These images are NOT signed by OLPC, therefore you need an unsecured XO for installing these images. To save some time, you can use this tool.
- Copy the file 41002SL0.img and the file 41002SL0.crc in a USB device.
- Boot your XO with the USB device and the charger connected.
- Go to the ok prompt (At boot time, briefly type the Escape key (top left on the XO keyboard, with a white X in a black disc) when you hear the startup jingle. Do not hold it down. In a few seconds, the FORTH ok prompt appears, along with a hint on help.)
- Type
copy-nand u:\41002SL0.img
- when flashing finished, you will get the prompt again, type reboot
XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4
- Copy the file 41002SLx.zd in a USB device. (Every model have a different x number, check below)
- Boot your XO with the USB device and the charger connected.
- Go to the ok prompt (At boot time, briefly type the Escape key (top left on the XO keyboard, with a white X in a black disc) when you hear the startup jingle. Do not hold it down. In a few seconds, the FORTH ok prompt appears, along with a hint on help.)
- Type
fs-update u:\41002SLx.zd
- when flashing finished, you will get the prompt again, type reboot
About the SD images for XO-1
These images are a development of James Cameron, to help improve the performance on XO-1 devices.
To install these unsigned builds, you may use fs-update on an XO-1.5, XO-1.75, or XO-4, and then move the SD card.
Alternatively, this Open Firmware fragment: http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1XCG63.txt can be added to the top of the 41002SL0.zd.zsp file, and then manually loaded from the ok prompt:
ok fl u:\41002SL0.zd.zsp
This will then read the 41002SL0.zd file and store it on an SD card.
Later versions of olpc-os-builder can add this fragment.
These images include the last version of sugar packages, and the following activities updates:
- Abacus 54 -> 56
- Calculate 41.2 -> 42
- Chart 10 -> 11
- Chat 80 -> 81
- FractionBounce 22
- Log 35 -> 36
- Measure 49 -> 51
- Memorize 47 -> 48
- Physics 19 -> 21
- Speak 47 -> 48
- Scratch 24 -> 25
- TurtleBlocks 202.1 -> 207
The following activities were added:
- Finance 11
- Story 13
- Words 21
- MusicPainter 12
The following activities were removed:
- AnimalsTv
- Level
- OneAcademy
The new list of activities is here http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/Sugar_Labs/0.102
The OsBuilder config used to generate these images is here https://github.com/sugarlabs/olpc-os-builder/tree/SL102
If you find problems in these images, please report on sugar-devel mailing list.
Known Issues
- web activities don't close. A PR was filled for sugar-web, web activities need be updated later.
- xo-1 only: in Maze activity the win window show a title bar
- FractionsBounce activity is very slow on xo-1 & xo-1.5, the sounds are played later
- MusciPainter activity don't start on xo-1 & xo-1.5
- web activities don't start (solved)
- activities updater control panel don't close (solved)
- web activities don't close.
- The font size is too big (solved). SL #4758
- Sound adjustment in the frame is laggy and displays collaboration related errors (solved). SL #4759
- Web activities always crash, see the mailing list thread. (solved).
- [XO4] maliit-plugins is not updated (this issue is also present in previous images).