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General information
Date: September, from Saturday 20th to Monday 22nd.
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay.
Sign up: Fill the following form
- Sugar Labs
- ANEP (National Administration of Public Education)
Local contact:
- José Miguel García (Anep, Uruguay) <logobot at gmail.com>
- Daniel Francis (Sugar Labs, Uruguay) <francis at sugarlabs.org>
ANEP and Sugar Labs are organizing a World Junior Programmers Summit, a meeting among youths from different parts of the world who are working in software development. Taking advantage of this gathering, we are soliciting participation by leaders of educational programs interested in the potential that technology has on learning and in promoting meaningful participation of students.
This event will last for four days, three days for the youth meeting, and the fourth day for a series of strategic to discuss the current impact and future of the Sugar learning environment. The first day of the youth event will be open to anyone interested in joining the community of free software developers, while the other two days will be for those who are already actively involved in Sugar development.
Who should attend
- Youths who have an interest in programming and / or have made
concrete contributions to the development of the Sugar learning environment;
- Leaders interested in participating in a series of strategic
meetings to define the future of the Sugar learning environment.
Why participate in this meeting
- To work with internationally recognized young a Python developers;
- Help define the future of the Sugar learning environment and future
generations of software for learning;
- To connect with experts, convinced of the potential of technology in
the development and learning;
- To strengthen the community of users of the Sugar learning
environment around the world.
Anyone interested in participating in this important event should contact us immediately. ANEP has offered funding to cover the local costs for youths to participate in this event.
Saturday 20th
Time | Activity |
9:00 | Registration of Sugar Labs members |
10:00 | Introduction of participants |
10:30 | Preparation of workshops |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Public registration for local community |
14:30 | Opening talk |
15:00 | Workshops |
18:00 | Discussion board: Free software in education |
18:30 | Sugar Labs "Status and Plans" |
Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd
- 9:00 Proposing tasks
Activities are proposed and groups are divided to start working in them.
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Sharing progress
Each group shares their work and propose new tasks.
- Sharing results
18:00 on Sunday, 17:00 on Monday
- Flash talks
18:30 on Sunday 17:30 on Monday
- On Monday, 18:00 Closing the event