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Fortune Hunter
Game Elements
Placeholder Splash Screen
Game Concept (description)
MPG (Math Playing Game - working title) is a single player educational adventure that teaches fourth grade curriculum mathematics through creative and innovative means. The player controls an unnamed (currently) hero that must progress through maze-like dungeons, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies in a two dimensional world to find the exit.
Each level is comprised of randomly generated dungeons that will create various difficulty mazes for the player to navigate. Along the way will be many types of enemies that each focus in certain elements of the curriculum. While each level will predominantly focus on newer topics to the player, defeating a certain number of enemies will prove mastery of the skills and unlock newer challenges while still honing in on the previous skills trainings. This will provide a way to focus on new tasks and provide reiteration of the knowledge already known. The end of each level will consist of a boss fight which will act as a topic overview.
The objective of this project is to teach fourth grade mathematics to students in a fun and unique way, primarily through the use of creative interactive software. The project is intended to be used as supplemental material to classroom education. See [Curriculum Elements] for incorporated curriculum topics.
Story & Characters
There is currently no developed storyline for this project.
Several GUI options are being considered now. The first is to have a number pad to the left of the screen, text log on the bottom, map in the upper left, and graphics in the center. (Figure A)
The second is to have the number pad as a part of battle graphics (attached to the player's first person perspective somehow). (Figure B)
In addition to these, there is a stats screen, an equipment screen, and a shop screen.
Within the game there will be multiple menus. Here we will outline what each menu's purpose is and each of the buttons/controls that will be available through the menu.
Main Menu
The purpose of the Main Menu is to allow the player to begin a game and exit the game if they want to stop playing.
- Tutorial/instruction - Material to be covered before playing the game
- New Game - The player can start a new game from the first level.
- Continue - This will bring the player to the Continue Menu.
- Class Stats - This option has not been developed yet and is something we will do only if we have the time. It would allow the player to view how well each student is doing in the game.
- Options - This option has not been developed yet and is something we will do only if we have the time. It would allow the to change different game options.
- Close Game - This would simply close the game.
Continue Menu
This menu would let the player choose whether they want to restart from where they left off, or just start from one of the lessons they have already completed.
- Continue - This would let the player start back up from the most recent Continue Point.
- Level Select Dialog - This would allow the player to start from the beginning of any lesson/level they have already completed rather than starting from where they left off last time.
- Back -This would take the player back to the Main Menu.
This menu would allow the player to view their stats and health and stuff.
- Item Equip Slots(x4) - These would be options that allow the player to switch what weapons, armor and equipment the have equipped.
- Return to Game - Exits the stats screen and returns to the game.
This is the menu the player would find when they pause the game.
- Save - This would allow the player to save and continue playing.
- Save and Quit - This would allow the player to save and then return to the Main Menu.
- Quit without Save - This would allow the player to return to the Main Menu without saving their game.
Shop Screen
This is the screen the player would encounter when they enter the shop.
- Buy Menu - This leads the player to the Buy Items Menu.
- Sell Menu - This leads the player to the Sell Items Menu.
- Exit - this exits the shop.
Buy Items Menu
This menu would just be a list of all the items that a player can buy and how much they cost and then the player would select one to purchase it.
Sell Items Menu
This menu would just be a list of all the items that a player can sell and how much they are worth and then the player would select one to sell it.
BATTLE - Main Battle Menu
This menu is the main menu that is brought up when battle begins.
- Basic Attack - This performs a basic attack. If the player gets a critical hit it brings them to the Critical Hit Screen.
- Division Attack Screen (Special attack)- This brings up the screen to perform a Division based attack.
- Geometry Attack Screen (Magic attack)- This brings up the screen to perform a Geometry based attack.
- Use Item Screen - This brings up the screen to use an item.
- Flee Battle - This option gives the player a chance to flee battle.
BATTLE - Critical Hit Screen
This screen is where the player is brought when they get a critical hit. They are given a basic math problem of some kind(Add, Subtract, Divide, or Multiply) and must solve it to get extra damage.
- Numpad - This will be a basic 0-9 numpad that is used to type an answer into the dialog. It will also have an Enter, and Delete option.
- Problem Display - This will be the display which shows the problem that must be solved and will have a dialog box to put the answer in.
BATTLE - Use Item Screen
This screen will basically just have the items available to you in battle listed on it so that the player can select which they want to use.
BATTLE - Fractions Attack Screen
This screen will allow the player to perform a Fractions based attack. The layer will have some target number that they have to get through using the fractions given to them. Each time the player chooses one fraction it will be replaced on screen with a new one.
- Fraction to use(x5) - This will be a list of 5 possible fractions to use and each one will be selectable. When one is chosen it will be replaced with something else.
- Undo - This simply allows them to undo the last couple choices they made.
- Addition Display - This will be a long dialog that will have the target number they are trying to reach on one side, and all of the fractions they have chosen so far on the other. Whenever the player
chooses another fraction to add to their total the fraction will be added to the list in this dialog.
BATTLE - Geometry Attack Scren
On this screen the player will have to solve some sort of Geometry based problem y adding shapes to a graph in the right position to represent a Reflection, or Translation, etc...
- Graph/Geometry Display - This is a dialog with graph in it that will display on top of, or next to, an enemy so that the player can manipulate shapes and such on it.
- Shapes Numpad - This will be a 12 button Numpad but instead of Numbers it will have 3 basic shapes, 3 complex shapes, an Undo button, a finish button, and arrow keys to move he shapes around the graph.
The shape buttons will add the corresponding shape to the graph. The Undo button will undo the addition of the most recent shape, it will not undo movements. The Finish button will act as an Enter button and will perform the attack if the player answered the problem correctly. The arrow keys will move the currently selected shape around the graph. There will be Up, Down, Left, and Right keys.
Game Boy Mode Controls
This is using the buttons on the monitor. The directional pad on the left moves the person's character. The check mark button on the right side is a select. Circle,Square,and X will vary depending on the activity and will be defined in each activity.
In normal mode, players can click on doors to progress to check that door and see if it is unlocked. If the door is unlocked, they progress to the next room.
In "gameboy mode" the player can use the arrow pad on the left of the screen to check the door in that direction. If the door is unlocked, they progress to the next room.
When the player moves into a room containing enemies, a battle will start. Battle will be carried out by means of "clashes." Each clash represents a possible attack or action, and will be shown as a math problem that the player will have to solve. The player will enter the answer in normal mode by clicking on the text field at the bottom of the screen, and entering the numerical answer using the number keys on the keyboard. In "gameboy mode" there will be a numberpad on-screen, and the player will be able to highlight a number or symbol with the directional pad, and select by pressing one of the keys on the right side.
The player can access the shop any time not in battle during the game by pressing one of the right side buttons. Once in the shop, the player can select an item by using the directional pad, or by clicking on it. Once the item is selected, its price will be displayed as a relational math problem which the player must solve. The answer is entered the same way as in combat.
Critical Path
Level Progression
Each dungeon will introduce a distinct mathematical concept, and each dungeon will be comprised of several levels of increasing difficulty.
At the beginning of each level, the player will face the entrance of the dungeon. In each room, if there are no enemies left, the player will have a decision as to where to go next based on where in the dungeon they are.
As the player moves through the dungeon, they will face enemies which they will have to fight by solving math problems. If the player answers enough questions correctly in a battle, they will win the battle. However, if they continue to answer questions wrong, they will be damaged and eventually die. When the player dies, they will be faced with the option to quit to the main screen, or to restart the level. Once the player answers enough math problems correctly or defeats enough enemies, a teleporter will appear which will take them to the next level of the dungeon.
When the player reaches the end of the dungeon, they will encounter a boss which will confront them with numerous timed math problems to ensure mastery of the dungeon's concepts. There is also a possibility of an end of level puzzle which will require players to solve geometry based puzzles to progress.
Game Completion
Classroom Application
This game will be used to assist with math topics taught in the classroom and will be excellent reinforcement material.
Please visit our [Lesson Plan] page to get a lesson plan to use in your classroom.
Curriculum Elements
This game covers elements of the fourth grade math curriculum currently in use at Boston, MA, USA. The complete listing of the curriculum is available here: [Full Curriculum Framework].
The following topics are covered in this game activity.
4.N.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as parts of unit wholes, as parts of a collection, and as locations on the number line. |
4.N.4 | Select, use, and explain models to relate common fractions and mixed numbers (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, and 11/2), find equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals, and order fractions. |
4.N.5 | Identify and generate equivalent forms of common decimals and fractions less than one whole (halves, quarters, fifths, and tenths). |
4.N.6 | Exhibit an understanding of the base ten number system by reading, naming, and writing decimals between 0 and 1 up to the hundredths. |
4.N.9 | Select, use, and explain the commutative, associative, and identity properties of operations on whole numbers in problem situations, e.g., 37 x 46 = 46 x 37, (5 x 7) x 2 = 5 x (7 x 2). |
4.N.11 | Know multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and related division facts. Use these facts to solve related multiplication problems and compute related problems, e.g., 3 x 5 is related to 30 x 50, 300 x 5, and 30 x 500. |
4.N.12 | Add and subtract (up to five-digit numbers) and multiply (up to three digits by two digits) accurately and efficiently. |
4.N.14 | Demonstrate in the classroom an understanding of and the ability to use the conventional algorithms for addition and subtraction (up to five-digit numbers), and multiplication (up to three digits by two digits). |
4.G.1 | Compare and analyze attributes and other features (e.g., number of sides, faces, corners, right angles, diagonals, and symmetry) of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes. |
4.G.3 | Recognize similar figures. |
4.G.4 | Identify angles as acute, right, or obtuse. |
4.G.7 | Describe and apply techniques such as reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides) for determining if two shapes are congruent. |
4.G.9 | Predict and validate the results of partitioning, folding, and combining two- and three-dimensional shapes. |
4.M.2 | Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement, e.g., hours to minutes, cents to dollars, yards to feet or inches, etc. |
Concept Art Information
This is where we will place images of different concept art. Until we have determined a style we will be using, we will be placing images of various different styles up to try and determine which is best.
Reference Material Information
Developer's Section
Meet the Team
Jonathan Meschino (4th Year)
email: jmeschino@mail.rit.edu
Eric Kenvin (3rd Year)
email: eric.kenvin@mail.rit.edu
Preston Johnson (3rd Year)
email: ppj4700@g.rit.edu
David Silverman (3rd Year)
email: drs5669@g.rit.edu
Interested in joining our development team? Contact us for more information.
Developer meetings:
Where: Game Design Labs - Building 70-2500 @ RIT
When: 5-8pm Thursdays
6-8pm Saturdays (TBA-only if needed that week)
Meeting times and locations are subject to change as needed. For more information, contact someone on the team (see section [Meet the Team]).
We are currently engaged in Week 3.
- denotes major item
- denotes subtopic of above-listed item
Week 1
- Mess with gameboy mode
- Set up and familiarize new git repo
- Class structure
- Review python
- familiarize with pygame
- cannibalize!
Week 2
- work on prototyping of tougher game elements
- create class structure
- begin coding world (map)
Week 3
- finish basic world
- begin coding travel system
- ability to move from room to room
- begin coding combat system
- get the 'stage' set up for functionality
Week 4
- finish travel system
- debugged any issues or conflicts, text notifications of choices
- switch between travel and combat system
- work on combat system
- have exchange of turns, menu that works for choices, text notification for choices
- work on placeholder graphics to be loaded into game
Week 5
- continue combat system
- HP & PP update, basic battle is functional from start to finish
- begin working on GUI and Menus
- set up Store and menu systems, equipping gear (weapon, armor, items)
- work on data recognition. this is updating the topics around the players level of familiarity with a given topic. make sure older topics are still rotated in for reiteration.
Week 6
- finish off all primary projects to ensure one play through of one level can happen start to finish
- work on actual graphics and load them into game (replace placeholders)
- game design documentation! extremely detailed account of current project and future goals/ directions.
- additional features:
- student vs class progress, class vs class progress - data analysis
- multiple levels
- multiple graphic sets (region based)
- possible alternate game modes
Week 7
Future Development
-input read from handheld mode
-Preliminary GUI coding:
full GUI with placeholder images Text field with scrolling text Image swapping for traversal with placeholder images
Looking at the Dungeon class (dungeons of mongo) for dungeon generation here
Bugs/ Fixes
Not applicable yet.
Game Suggestions
- Have the players defeat monsters and solve puzzles by solving math questions
- Have a small on-screen map to help players navigate through the dungeon