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Talk:Trisquel On A Sugar Toast
Beware "apt-get upgrade". I was running Sugar / Toast (I THINK it's 2.1-i386) and tried to add Measure Activity. No luck. So I tried:
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
which appeared to proceed as it does on my Ubuntu systems without any problems. However, upon rebooting, I now get Your session only lasted 10 seconds... and it brings me to a login screen.
I browsed through /var/log/syslog think I tracked the problem to:
Error attempting to open [/home/trisquel/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase] for reading Error attempting to unwrap passphrase from file [/home/trisquel/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase]; rc = [-5] Error adding passphrase key token to user session keyring; rc = [-5]
Having never used encrypted file systems, I have no idea what it's going on about. This may tell you what version I was running:
Linux version 2.6.28-15-generic (root@devel.trisquel.info) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #49trisquel1 SMP Wed Sep 9 18:33:06 UTC 2009 (Trisquel 2.6.28-15.49trisquel1-generic)
ISO 403 Forbidden?
The image linked here http://devel.trisquel.info/sugar/trisquel-sugar_3.0-LATEST_i686.iso is forbidden for me. I was able to grab one of the dated releases, though. This intentional? Bluchen 03:56, 18 December 2009 (UTC)