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- Linux Distribution ported from Mandriva 2010.2
- Many contributors from Mandriva are building this Distribution.
- Updated 02/15/2015
- https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_beta3
- Release Notes
- Download
- http://www.mageia.org/en/5/
- http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/mageia/iso/cauldron/Mageia-5-beta3-LiveDVD-KDE4-x86_64-DVD/Mageia-5-beta3-LiveDVD-KDE4-x86_64-DVD.iso
- http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/Mageia/iso/cauldron/Mageia-5-beta3-LiveDVD-GNOME-x86_64-DVD/Mageia-5-beta3-LiveDVD-GNOME-x86_64-DVD.iso
- http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/mageia.org/pub/mageia/iso/cauldron/Mageia-5-beta3-x86_64-DVD/Mageia-5-beta3-x86_64-DVD.iso
Mageia 3
- Updated 03/31/2013
- Download:http://www.mageia.org/en/downloads/
- beta 4
- http://mirrors.kernel.org/mageia/iso/cauldron/Mageia-3-beta4-i586-DVD/Mageia-3-beta4-i586-DVD.iso
- http://mirrors.kernel.org/mageia/iso/cauldron/Mageia-3-beta4-x86_64-DVD/Mageia-3-beta4-x86_64-DVD.iso
- http://blog.mageia.org/en/2013/03/10/mageia-3-beta-3-is-finally-out/
- Release Notes: https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_beta3
- Errata:https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Errata#Live
- http://www.mageia.org/3/
- http://www.mageia.org/en/about/
- Ranked 2 in Distrowatch:http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity
Install Sugar
Update 03/11/2013
- NOTE: Sugar-emulator 0.98.3 and task-sugar 0.96.0 offered but show up as white screens
- add programs - search sugar or task-sugar
Mageia 2
- Great News;
- Mageia-2 has task-sugar 0.95.1 and sugar-emulator 0.95.3. [1]
- Ranked 2 in Distrowatch [2]
- (Mageia is the independent fork of Mandriva built by a majority of the Mandriva developers.)
- Runs GNOME 3.4.1 Shell on ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 netbook
- Runs GNOME 3.4.1 in Gnome-classic in VirtualBox
- Mageia 2 https://www.mageia.org/en/downloads/
Install Sugar
- Updated March 10 2013
- Do not update Mageia (Gtk2.0 => Gtk3.0 will cause browse to fail)
- add programs - search sugar
- Choose task-sugar and sugar-emulator
- Sugar: About my Computer
- Problems:
- Sugar Jabber connection fails if anything is changed in the sugar control panel
- Known Bug in sugar 0.95.x
- Update of Mageia: (Gtk2.0 => Gtk3.0) will cause browse to fail.
Tutorials: Introduction to the Sugar Interface
- A series of annotated screen shots describing basic Sugar-desktop operations and how to do them.
Web Site
- http://blog.cdelfino.com/2011/02/mageia-alpha-release-mini-review/
- http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=mageia
Mailing list
- Freenode #mageia #mageia-dev
- Join mageia chat room for Help in English
- Join mageia-dev chat room for Help in English
Make a Live CD/USB
- Port of liveusb-creator (git) https://github.com/saispo/mageia-usbdumper
dd install to USB
- example
dd if=mageia-livecd-1-KDE4-europe1-americas-cdrom-i586.iso of=/dev/sd(x) (x)=your device name eg: /dev/sdb;/dev/sdc....etc 1419264+0 records in 1419264+0 records out 726663168 bytes (727 MB) copied, 273.084 s, 2.7 MB/s
Mageia 1
- First release 06/01/2011
Initial Release Notes
- Updated 04/11/2013
- End of Life:http://blog.mageia.org/en/2012/12/02/mageia-1-eol
- http://mageia.org/en/downloads/
- https://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia/iso/1/
- Readme and iso contents Talk:Mageia
- Detailed info on install methods: http://www.mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=mageia_installation_media
- http://ftp.fi.muni.cz/pub/linux/mageia/
- http://ftp.fi.muni.cz/pub/linux/mageia/distrib/1/i586/install/images/
- Creating a chroot: https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packagers_chroot
- Not available after release (Development Builds)
- https://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia/iso/cauldron/
- http://ftp.mandrivauser.de/mirrors/Mageia/iso/cauldron/
- Task-sugar added 08/15/2011: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1969
- Mageia 1 06/01/2011 released
- beta2-dvd 25/04/2011
- Alpha Release 15/02/2011
- Beta Release 02/21/2012
- http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=iso1:alpha1_errata Virtualbox 3 fix and fix for bootsplash
It is hoped that sugar will be available here, as it is based on Mandriva 2010.2
- Note I was told on IRC that task-sugar would be made available after the release. satellit
- http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=sciencesig