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Sugar Creation Kit/sck/SCK-USB
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SCK-USB (CD.iso)
- 103 MB
- This is an Archive of the Sugar Creation Kit - Most wiki pages were Downloaded on 12/30/2011
- A set of Annotated screen shots as .html files with the accompanying folder containing the files for the .html
- Intended to be used with no internet connection on the XO-1, XO-1.5, SoaS, and Trisquel-Sugar by students/teachers
- Click on XO-1.5 screenshots to enlarge
- <===(back) use browser back arrow to return
- CAUTION THE LINKS ON THE WIKI PAGES MAY NOT WORK (unless you have a Internet Connection)
- This Version works correctly from a USB-stick; The USB-stick should be fat 16/32 and labeled "SCK" (In CAPS)
- copy/paste the contents of the CD to this USB-Stick
- All .html files have a Blue Bar at the top of the page
- Follow the Blue Bar Links to Go Directly to the other pages of the tutorial
- Page Links marked with * in front of their name also will work off-line.
- Hint: Hit the Browser <== (back) arrow if you need to return to the previous page
- NO INTERNET connection and are using the CD instead of a USB-stick:
- Blue Bars and * links will not work.
- Solution:
- GO TO the next level folder (0-3) to see the .html Pages using firefox
- Use firefox File/open: search for xxxx.html to open each one individually.
- Contents:
- 4 levels of .html files from the Sugar Creation Kit wiki page of sugarlabs.org and some (Off-Site) .html files
- 0-)Sugar Creation Kit Page
- SCK_USB_ReadMeFirst.txt - This File
- Sugar_Creation_Kit.html - Start firefox here
- firefox-6.xo - (see Installation below)
- - install this Browser if you are running sugar-desktop; or Soas; XO-1 XO-1.5.
- - This Browser is required to fully view these .html pages
- Surf-115.xo
- restore-4.xo
- backup-5.xo
- Revison-Hisory
- 1-) Direct links from the (0) top level Sugar_Creation_Kit.html page - including some (Off-Site) .html files
- 2-) Community Distribution Pages
- 3-) Sweets, Sweets Distribution,
- Uses:
- Intended to be run from a 2nd USB (or CD) where there is NO Internet Connection Available.
- A usefull set of wiki pages that teach the basic operations of the Sugar-desktop
- "sneakernet" with no internet connection
- behind firewall at school.
- save bandwidth on servers.
- Download once and distribute copies locally
- Problem with Browse and Surf-115 in SoaS and the XO-1
- These browsers will not open the accompanying folder containing the files for the .html.
- This results in a web page with no links or .png screenshots
- Firefox-6.xo does not use or have sugar-journal access.
- This means XO-1 security should not be compromised.
- Firefox-6.xo has been sucessfully tested on a G1G1 XO-1 runing os508dx (Dextrose2)
- Installation - This .iso is intended to be burned to a CD
- The CD can be used directly or
- copy/paste the contents of the CD to a USB-Stick
- The USB should be fat 16/32 and labelled "SCK" (In CAPS)
- This is necessary for the links in the Blue Bars to work correctly
- Insert the USB stick in your XO-1 USB slot
- Drag drop the Firefox-6.xo file from the 2nd USB-stick to the Journal - Install it
- To Open Files in Firefox-6.xo
- Click on the firefox icon in (f3) Home screen
- File/open file: Select the required .html file on the SCK-USB USB-stick
- click on the xxxx.html file
- Firefox-6.xo installed from this USB-stick has been successfully tested viewing the .html web pages on the USB-stick.
file:///media/SCK/Sugar_Creation_Kit.html used for the following: a G1G1 XO-1 running os508dx - (Dextrose2) a XO-1.5 running os874 - (sugar 0.92.1) a ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 Netbook - (Trisquel-5-Sugar) Live CD - NO Internet Connection a ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 Netbook - (f16-SoaS-Pineapple) Live CD - NO Internet Connection MacBookPro i7 VirtualBox 4.1.6 for OSX with install of Trisquel 5-Sugar (Toast) - NO Internet Connection MacBookPro i7 VirtualBox 4.1.6 for OSX with install of Sugar 0.95.1 in Mageia release 2 (no other browser works on this Distro) - NO Internet Connection MacBookPro i7:file:///Volumes/SCK/xxxx.html used so links are broken here Does not follow links in firefox for OSX - NO Internet Connection Requires a second SCK-USB-Mac to be edited in gedit with file:///Volumes/SCK/ used for all ( * ) starred links Look at :SCK-USB-MAC-Folder.iso above for Mac USB_stick
- These web page files were created with "save as" - "web page complete" using firefox.
- And subsequently edited/revised in gedit.
Revised 05:59 AM, 7 January 2012 (PST)