Summer of Code/Mentors

< Summer of Code
Revision as of 23:53, 2 March 2009 by Bobbyp (talk | contribs) (added myself)

Our most important need right now is for quality mentors. If you (or someone you know) would make a good mentor, please nominate yourself (or them), both here on the ML and on the wiki (if you can't handle a little redundant paperwork, you're probably not a good candidate :). Include relevant information such as:

  • Name/contact
  • Timezone
  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?
  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor?
  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?
  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?
  • Anything else you think is relevant.

Please also add this page to your watchlist. We will probably later do some kind of "community interview" process where we ask you questions on this page.


  • Name/contact

Jameson.Quinn at gmail

  • Timezone

US Central / Central America (UTC-6)

  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

PyGTK-based activities or Sugar improvements, especially interested in language or developer tools.

  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor? What are your other commitments over the summer?

I could commit up to 4-6 hours a week. If we are short on mentors and I find project(s) that are an especially good match, I could do 8 hrs (double duty). Over the summer, I hope to be helping to work on an XO deployment, hopefully on a paid basis, but am currently unemployed.

  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?

Maintainer of Develop activity, have done some tinkering with Sugar, I've been involved for over a year.

  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

I have several years' experience as a full-time teacher.

  • Anything else you think is relevant.



  • Name/contact

Nirav Patel nrpatel at gmail

  • Timezone


  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

Pygame or PyGTK based Activities

  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor? What are your other commitments over the summer?

Graduating and no job prospects, so it is likely I will have quite a bit of free time as of early May. 5 hours a week is certainly doable.

  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?

Some Pygame/PyGTK Activity development and a module for Pygame.

  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

Teaching Assistant and miscellaneous mentoring experiences at school.

  • Anything else you think is relevant.

I survived GSoC on the student end of things in 2008.


  • Name/contact

Tomeu Vizoso

  • Timezone

Central European Time

  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

PyGTK-based activities or Sugar improvements.

  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor? What are your other commitments over the summer?

I could commit up to 4-6 hours a week.

  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?

Coded activities and for the sugar shell for more than two years now.

  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

Last year mentored one intern at OLPC.

  • Anything else you think is relevant.



  • Name/contact

Walter Bender


  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

I am interested in Sugar activities that are relevant to daily life in the classroom. Things that help the teacher and learner enhance their approaches to problem-solving.

  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor?

As much as necessary to make sure we have a successful, useful outcome.

  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?

maintainer of Activities/TurtleArt

  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

30 years mentoring student projects at MIT

  • Anything else you think is relevant.

You learn through doing, so I will roll up my sleeves along side whomever I mentor, because I want to keep learning.


  • Name/contact

firstnamelastname at gmail, nteon on IRC

  • Timezone

US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5)

  • What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

PyGTK-based activities, lower level stuff.

  • How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor? What are your other commitments over the summer?

Probably 4-6 hours a week.

  • What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two sentences at most)?

Maintainer of Model activity, have done some tinkering with Sugar/Rainbow, rewrote boot-animation. Fairly confident with C/Python/Linux, have been involved with OLPC for about a year (although have been mostly lurking on the sugar side of things for a few months).

  • What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

Summer camp counselor for a number of years, OLPC intern summer '08.

  • Anything else you think is relevant.

I'm a few months behind on Sugar development, but think its a fabulous project. Let me know what you need of me.