Emulator image files

Revision as of 18:53, 17 May 2009 by Mokurai (talk | contribs) (→‎Releases: Fedora Sugar Spin)

This is a quick guide to the locations of various forms of Sugar and the XS school server software that can run in QEMU emulation. You can download installation .isos for other Linux distributions that support Sugar and create your own bootable images with Sugar installed. See QEMU for how to run an image, and Supported systems for more information on what is available.

Most of these images do not include the latest 0.84 release. Some that do have 0.84 have serious bugs that prevent them from running at all, or have Activities that do not run. (27 April 2009)

Daily Builds

  • olpc:Joyride Not being maintained; to be replaced by builds of various Linux distributions.
  • olpc:Rainbow Security testing. Not recommended for Sugar users.


  • prebuilt Sugar 0.84 images are not available.
  • Fedora Sugar Spin image
  • XS Installer Warning: If you are not paying attention, this will format your hard drive. Of course, if you boot this in kvd/qemu/VirtualBox alongside an empty hard drive image, you probably want it to format your drive image and install the School Server.
  • Various Linux distro installation images, where Sugar can be installed from packages: Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu Intrepid (but not Jaunty so far), ALT Linux, Mandriva, Caixa Mágica, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Slackware.

Sugar on a Stick

Live CDs


  • binary.iso 27-Nov-2008. You would do better to install Fedora in an image, and build sugar-jhbuild there. Unfortunately, sugar-jhbuild does not build reliably on Debian-based distibutions.

Sugar on Windows Installer

See also