Wiki Team/Roadmap/Wiki skin redesign
Design goals
From Bernie in this discussion thread, "I'd like our linkbar to be:
- consistent in style across all webapps (maybe also in content)
- reminiscent of Sugar's UI elements or colors
- in harmony with the look of all our sites
- maybe well detached from the rest of the page (like the gnome one)
- written in very tidy html + css for easily maintainability
- free of frames/iframes, marquees and non-standard html crap
- perfectly readable in text-only browsers, even without css
- ordered the same way across all sites (= easy to memorize)
- wrapping nicely on small screens
These are just my personal wishes, not strict requirements. ...
wiki-devel test design
Design discussion
Please use this space to share, respond to, and refine comments, in context with topical areas.