Emulator image files

Revision as of 10:29, 27 September 2010 by FGrose (talk | contribs)

This is a quick guide to the locations of various forms of Sugar and the XS school server software that can run in QEMU emulation or VMware or VirtualBox virtualization. You can download installation .isos for other Linux distributions that support Sugar and create your own bootable images with Sugar installed. See QEMU or VirtualBox for how to run an image, and Supported systems for more information on what is available.

Other virtual machines


download and import 3 files: soas-v3-Mirabelle.ovf soas-v3-Mirabelle.mf soas-v3-Mirabelle.vmdk
download and import 3 files: soas-2-blueberry.ovf soas-2-blueberry.mf soas-2-blueberry.vmdk
soas-strawberry-vdi.zip Sugar 0.84 (22 June 2009)
  • Appliance of openSUSE-Sugar-11.3 [1] Uploaded 26 September 2010
download and import 3 files:openSUSE_sugar.ovf openSUSE_sugar.ovf openSUSE_sugar.mf mfopenSUSE-Sugar-11.3.vmdk
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
Autologin- user=sugar password=sugaruser
Ready to auto-configure to your hardware on first booting.
note choose /dev/sda2 when prompted to do so on first run
  • Appliance of UbuntuSugarRemix
Reference links: Community/Distributions/Ubuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar
download and import 3 files: USR-922-IRC-Remix.ovf USR-922-IRC-Remix.mf USR-i386-20100922.vmdk
TZ=LA USA USA Keyboard 8-GB HD fully updated on 22 September 2010 with
apt-get Updates
apt-get Upgrade
Remixed to add
Surf-115.xo browser
IRC.xo -(edited to log in to #sugar and #ubuntu-sugarteam)
Import the 3 files into Oracle Virtualbox
User=sugar autologin

VMware Player

read this first
  • VMware Player of Sugar on a Stick v2 (Blueberry)
read this first
  • Open-suse-education
read this first
networking help
how to use


instructions, downloads

Image installation tools


ZyX-LiveInstaller allows you to install Sugar from either a booted Live USB device or Live CD media to a system or external disk. It creates a traditional operating system installation on disk (or removable media such as SD or USB storage devices).
This program can be useful for installing to a virtualized hard disk. It is not included in builds after soas-v2 Blueberry, so it must be downloaded and installed to use.
In a running SoaS Terminal session or console, execute the following commands:
yum install zyx-liveinstaller

Sugar on a Stick

This page has been marked as important but in need of updating as of May 2016.
See all dated pages
There may be relevant discussion on the talk page.


Prebuilt VirtualBox Appliances:

Older builds

Routine (formerly daily) Builds

XO 1.5 test

Fedora 11 with Sugar 0.84 and Gnome. There are preliminary versions of this software built for XO 1.0, in .img and .iso files. In a menu at the bottom of the initial screen, you can choose either Sugar or Gnome sessions before logging in.

Chris Ball promises a regular release schedule of 1.5 builds by the time XO 1.5 prototypes enter production. If you're interested in contributing or testing, they would certainly love your help. You can find them on the fedora-olpc mailing list, and freenode IRC's #fedora-olpc channel.


  • Prebuilt Sugar 0.84 images are not yet regularly available.
  • Fedora Sugar Spin image
    NOTE:later Fedora 12 SUGAR 0.86 Spin: http://spins.fedoraproject.org/edu/
  • olpc:XS_LiveCD XS Installer Warning: If you are not paying attention, this will format your hard drive. Of course, if you boot this in kvd/qemu/VirtualBox alongside an empty hard drive image, you probably want it to format your drive image and install the School Server.
  • Various Linux distro installation images, where Sugar can be installed from packages: Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu Intrepid (but not Jaunty so far), ALT Linux, Mandriva, Caixa Mágica, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Slackware. Not all of them work. Note that the command to start Sugar is usually 'sugar-emulator'. The command 'sugar' will seem to start, but will have a broken UI, and packages will not start.

Live CDs


  • binary.iso 27-Nov-2008. You would do better to install Fedora in an image, and build sugar-jhbuild there. Unfortunately, sugar-jhbuild does not build reliably on Debian-based distributions.

Sugar on Windows Installer

See also