
My name is Aleksey Lim, I am a volunteer for SugarLabs.


Short time tasks queue

Current Sugar release cycle tasks queue

  • New glucose component for Bazaar integration
  • Switch ASLO to the new AMO code base with initial Bazaar integration
  • Initial Bazaar and Gitorious integration

Long time tasks queue

  • First Polyol public release
  • Sugarize OOo4Kids
    • journal integration
    • OOo4Kids builds
  • FRAM based activities
  • libjounral/Library-2 entirely based on Polyol
  • rainbow integration, having easy way to launch arbitrary blobs, security related issues are critical
  • ActivityLibrary activity to replace existed shell (in case of managing activities) to support 0sugar

Every day background tasks

  • Maintain ASLO code base
  • Sucrose packaging for:
    • ALT Linux
    • Mandriva
    • openSUSE
  • Maintain code for:
    • tuxpaint
    • speak
    • flipsticks
    • cartoon-builder
    • gst-plugins-espeak
    • gcompris
  • Maintain orphaned activities:
    • tamtam
    • joke-machine
    • jigsaw-puzzle
    • slider-puzzle
    • story-builder

In perspective

  • Life in sugar! - support full time being online in sugar
    • Sugar Daemons, all time beeing online servers that provide useful shared instances for broad collaboration e.g. Chat instances per purposes ("Ask your nub question", "How to hack sugar" etc.)
    • Library instance via Sugar Daemon to provide server sharing model
    • Сheck notification system in shell if it works well in "all time being in sugar" workflow
    • Сreate Collab activity
    • Collab instance via Sugar Daemon to have global collaboration portal for all sugar contributors/requesters.
  • standalone mode for activities thus more close merge sugar with other education software e.g. ASLO could be not just portal of sugar activities but portal of education software(non-sugar users could run particular activity w/o need to install sugar)
