User talk:Inkyfingers/Getting Started(1)

FLOSS Manuals

Please explain why we link to a separate download for .pdfs when they are available at FLOSS Manuals? --FGrose 10:49, 5 December 2011 (EST) I archived them a while ago when the web page for floss manuals was not working. (Spare local location of .pdf's) satellit_ 9:57, 5 December 2011 (PST)

OK. I suggest we treat it as a spare location rather than the preferred location, because, unless the backup is a mirror automatically tracking FM changes, it is a fragile storage arrangement. Bernie can advise on this.
It might be handy to have a Floss Manuals page in our wiki, which could provided a custom list of links to their .pdfs (along with a footnote about the backup location). For example,
--FGrose 14:49, 5 December 2011 (EST)
I did not know about those. I included the directory of .pdf to illustrate how to download a file from a known directory. The exercise was quite illuminating for my tester. --Inkyfingers 18:41, 5 December 2011 (EST)

I can see the technical improvement that has been made to Getting_Started/Explore#Configuration. However please could you review User:Inkyfingers/Getting_Started(1), which I have adjusted, bearing in mind that my presentation is almost-a-tutorial and tries to avoid links off-site.

A tutorial is good, but should be entered by choice, as the style is so different. Perhaps the declarative guidance appears and it is followed by a collapsed tutorial section or a link to a section on a separate page of tutorials. --FGrose 15:35, 6 December 2011 (EST)

I have also preferred to avoid hiding links that go off-site. My reasons are to avoid distraction, simplicity, and orientation.

This can be useful in context, however, the standard wiki style includes a large number of hyperlinks for reader directed, non linear navigation best determined by the reader, as is common on Wikipedia:Wiki#Navigation. Within this context, one learns to follow only the hyperlinks for a reason rather than because they have been presented. Within a tutorial, one presumably submits oneself to the navigation of the author, so links that may distract would be carefully chosen. --FGrose 15:35, 6 December 2011 (EST)

I think it is interesting to share that pre-production I followed How to present Sugar. As my idea developed /Presentation was aimed at parents ( my children), and /Explore at very young new learners, (their children). I then edited out some more "clunky" parts to try to avoid addressing any reader in a pejorative way and out of self-consciousness! I notice I have completely removed any sense that a parent can follow /Presentation in their own time while a child could work through /Explore at their own speed. I am not an Adobe fan but I find a .pdf presentation useful because its stability aids orientation.

In my experience well written copy addressed to an eight year old can be understood by most adults and participating children, and easily speed read by an expert.--Inkyfingers 04:34, 6 December 2011 (EST)

I suggest that this testbed page re-enter the 'Under construction' tag while more design and presentation ideas are explored. --FGrose 15:35, 6 December 2011 (EST)

Exporting files from the sugar-journal with Drag-Drop to 2nd USB-stick


Click on Figure to enlarge it ^
Note this screen-shot was Drag-Dropped to a 2nd USB-stick
Copied from the USB to another Computer and uploaded to the
Where it was inserted into this page
You can import and export items from the sugar journal
with this complicated procedure :

Insert a 2nd USB
(required to be present for this to work)
highlight the desired lines in terminal or browser
click the scissors up icon (copy)  on the  top bar
open the frame (upper right corner with mouse)
click on the journal icon on to frame
move to the bottom left edge of frame
right click on  clipping icon on the left bottom edge of frame
hover on this icon select Keep which appears
retract frame
bottom bar shows journal and USB icon
drag the new clipping listed in the journal icon with mouse to the 2nd USB-stick icon now showing in bottom bar next to journal icon
hover over the USB-stick icon
remove USB-stick from computer running sugar
insert USB-stick into another windows or linux computer and drag file on USB  to the desktop
(or into host system by removing and re-inserting it after exiting sugar)
open and copy this file to a paste bin application in your browser

Note this same method  drag-drop from a 2nd USB-stick can be used to export Photos from the sugar record activity
and to import/install to journal of (activity.xo) files if reversed
Note2 Screen capture
An important use case for the Keep button. How do we store just the image, without the software state? Some Activities, including Turtle Art, have a button for this purpose.
   <Alt> + 1 or <PrtScn> (when present) captures the screen and stores a screenshot in the Journal.
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