Sugar Network

Revision as of 23:06, 14 December 2011 by Alsroot (talk | contribs) (→‎Summary)

Sugar Network version cycle: | 1.0 |


This work was initially started by the Peru Local Lab to accomplish the real needs that Lab people faced during the work on Puno pilot program.

The major purpose are:

  • Connect students and teachers, from different Internet-less schools, using hight-level software that is an analog of existing in the Internet social services, like Wiki;
  • Connect students and teachers with educators, trainers and supporters that work especially for local deployment but are located far from schools and can't visit schools on regular basis;
  • Connect students and teachers (with deployment people's help) with the rest of Sugar community (that can reuse the same software being connected via the Internet);
  • In case of having connectivity, Sugar Network should be still useful by providing close integration of its social instruments with the rest of Sugar Platform.

Further reading

Getting involved

Platform Team/Sugar Network/Feedback