Sugar Creation Kit/VirtualBox

VirtualBox Virtualization

With VirtualBox® one can run Sugar in a window on Microsoft Windows, Intel-based Apple Macintosh, or Linux host computers from a virtual machine (VM) window. VirtualBox overview

Virtual Machine images
  • When making a new VM, to clear the Sugar Journal of old entries and to avoid identity conflicts among copies of the VM, enter the command rm ~ rf /.sugar in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown the VM. This will clear all Learner information on the VM and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network between separate copies of the appliance. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a in Terminal.
  • When cloning a customized VM, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use rm ~/.sugar/default/owner.key* in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown the VM. This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.
  • A good solution for Macintosh Computers


==> Trisquel 4.1-sugar-installer.iso click link to download 1.1 GB DVD
  • Cleared of Sugar identity, Starts on Color Selection Screen (click <===(back) to change name)
This DVD.iso is a great way to distribute this VM Appliance by "SneakerNet"
Download one time; use to install many instances
DVD Contents:
32bit-VirtualBox Installers (OSE) (Directory with install files for VirtualBox 4.0.4)
(Does not include Free for Personal Use licensed extension pack) - includes instructions on how to download for personal use.
ReadMeFirst_Install_Instructions.pdf  (Instructions-how to install VirtualBox and import appliance)
UserManual.pdf (VirtualBox 4.0.4 User Manual-269 pages)

  v6 Pineapple

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
Built 11/13/2011 with Virtualbox 4.1.4 for OSX
How Built:
root password=sugaruser
4-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:

  v5 Coconut

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
Built 10/10/2011 with Virtualbox 4.1.4 for OSX
How Built:
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:

==> Trisquel-4.1-sugar click link to see details

  • Cleared of sugar identity Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change name)
  • Sugar sweets 0.88.1

==> Sugar on a Stick v3 Mirabelle click link to see details

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on start up for the first time
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files: 533M   12K
Compressed in .zip file
This appliance is ready to run "firstboot" (agree/user name/password/tz/etc)
sugarroot is the root password.

Note: This appliance has a maximum 800x640 screensize available as VirtualBox extensions were NOT compiled into the kernel.
Set ControlPanel/Frame "Edge" slider to far left for easier access to sugar-frame features

Notes & Links