Sugar on Debian


The Debian wiki has a specific page for Sugar at Debian install Sugar

Debian installer will install Debian to hard drive where Sugar has been tested to run well on Squeeze.

Sugar versions 0.84, 0.86. and 0.88 are offered on Squeeze.

See also the Debian Edu product Skolelinux

Notes on install to USB

download squeeze_live-i386-iso-hybrid
isohybrid_CD info
  example:  dd if=debian-xxxxxxxx.iso of=/dev/sdX
Debian-squeeze +Sugar Desktop Virtual Appliance for Virtualbox 4.0

Install sugar via Synaptic

download squeeze_live-i386-iso-hybrid
Install to HD
start Synaptic
Repositories select all 3 
select Server for USA
click all 3 boxes
Third Party Software 
search for "sugar"
click on all 0.88 sugar packages
how to configure full screen
Browse Activities  (Download the activities you want)

How to install sugar-jhbuild


GTK3 in Debian Wheezy


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 17:45, Manuel Kaufmann <> wrote: > Do you have a clue about this?

This was my workaround to this problem:

1. /etc/apt/sources.list

  deb unstable main contrib non-free
  deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

2. update the package database

  sudo apt-get update

3. download the source code

  cd /tmp
  mkdir pygobject
  apt-get source python-gi

4. install dependecies

  sudo apt-get build-dep python-gi
  sudo apt-get install python-gobject-2-dbg

5. compile python-gi

  cd pygobject-3.2.0
  wget -c
  git apply pygi-d37680bb9390426f7f58ea3d352c3e5e2106e978_modified.patch
  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

6. install compiled packages

  sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb

Now, when I run "./sugar-jhbuild run sugar-emulator" I can see the icons and the toolbar properly.


Where Debian is installed via the Debian installer or virtual machine Sugar has been reported to run nicely.

Low footprint versions (eg no Gnome Display Manager) with SLiM and Openbox only, have been reported to cause a problem. User:Inkyfingers/Debian , Jun 23 2012