Activities/Sugar Network


Sugar activity to distribute Sugar Network client and demonstrate Sugar Network functionality.

Sugar activity way to use Sugar Network has limitations:

  • Install dependencies manually;
  • No activity launcher windows;
  • No fast way to switch to Sugar Network window, it is regular Sugar activity.

But it provides easy way to try Sugar Network from regular Sugar installations. To use Sugar Network on regular basis, look for other options.


Most of activity dependencies are pure Python based and bundled. The rest of activities should be installed manually to users' system:

  • PyWebKitGtk
    Corresponding package name might be pywebkitgtk, python-webkit or python-webkitgtk;
  • M2Crypto
    Corresponding package name might be m2crypto or python-m2crypto;
  • gevent-1.0
    Version 1.0 is not yet released and not yet packaged. Activity bundles it but only for Fedora 14 (gevent contains binaries), for other systems, install gevent from upstream site.


Clone source repository from Gitorious:

git clone git:// --recurse-submodules

Getting involved

  • Submit your bug report or feature request.
  • Browse our implementation discussions, and post your feedback. (You should join this discussion list in order to avoid having your messages postponed for moderation.)