Summer of Code/2013/moksaya

Moksaya Project :

A Dajngo based web app aimed at sharing and collaboration of sugar activities to foster learning and creativity

Goal of this project is to implement a Project Sharing site to foster collaboration and sharing of Sugar Activities over the internet.The website upon the completion would also provide REST-API’s , so that the services of the website could be utilised by the Sugar Activities to share the project on the site from within the Sugar Environment.

Key Deliverables :

Here I have listed the Key features that I am currently working on , however as we go through the course of GSoC new features will be added ,once we have a concrete and stable base infrastructure for the Social Project Sharing site.

  • Social Features : Following/Followers , Like , favourites , share , Comments .etc
  • Authenticated RESTful API's :Ability to interact with website from various Sugar Activities
  • Separate landing pages for different audiences (kids, teachers, parents, etc.)
  • Gallery : Ability for users to create portfolio of their projects.


I am developing this project under the Moksaya branch on my Github.

REST API v1 Resources

User Creation

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/register/ Makes http POST request with the JSON data to create a new user in the database ,if a user already exist raises HTTP 400 badrequest and returns a Json response with error message "the username already exist" . Returns HTTP 201 for successfully Created User
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"username" :"user101" , "email" :"" , "password" : "password" }'
Response HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:49:52 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Location:

Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Authentication and User Login

Requires Username and Password for obtaining the api_keys , and rest of the other resources are accessed with the API Keys. There are two ways to do it, these are Publicly accessible end points.

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/token/auth/ Returns the apikey for the requested user, we need to supply the username and password in the request headers .
Example curl -k --user "aregee:notebook"
Response {
   "key": "531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba997"


POST /api/v1/user/login/ Another way is to POST the user credentials as a JSON data to this end point and returns User Resource with the API_key . Raises HTTP 401 for unauthorized with error response
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"username":"user101","password":"notebook" }'
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:16:20 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Content-Type: application/json Set-Cookie: sessionid=ddb4289b9fe8b2a963bfc540f81559c3; expires=Fri, 04-Oct-2013 22:16:20 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/ Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "apikey": "03f9a40ddd029b0a773a54f189aaa92d5a07c2d2",
   "email": "",
   "first_name": "",
   "id": 14,
   "last_name": "",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/14/",
   "username": "user101"


User Resource

Authenticated users can access the User Resource , with the api_key and User Resource supports following authenticated options

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/user/ Returns the list of all user accounts when accessed with authenticated header but returns requested user's resource when username and api_key supplied in url parameters
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:32:23 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "meta": {
       "limit": 20,
       "next": null,
       "offset": 0,
       "previous": null,
       "total_count": 1
   "objects": [
           "apikey": "feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186",
           "email": "",
           "first_name": "",
           "id": 19,
           "last_name": "",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/19/",
           "username": "akshit"


GET /api/v1/user/<username>/ We can also access users with their respective usernames and returns HTTP 401 for resource not found
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=d2fe32b15b0b395a5d0e0ea4b7eb1e5d6ea15de7
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:05:43 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "apikey": "531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba997",
   "email": "",
   "first_name": "",
   "id": 2,
   "last_name": "",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/2/",
   "username": "aregee"


DELETE /api/v1/user/<username>/ Removes the requested <username> from the database .
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:36:22 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Profile Resource

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/profile/ Making http post to this end point with the json data containing the Profile fields creates a new user profile , which is Related to all the other resources.Returns HTTP 201 response for successfully created user profile , returns HTTP 400 bad request with error response for unsuccessful attempts.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"user":"/api/v1/user/akshit/" , "about_me" :"Profile Create with CURL"}'\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
GET /api/v1/profile/ Returns list of all user profiles , throttles twenty results per request.
GET /api/v1/profile/username/ Returns ProfileResource for the requested user , returns http 404 if resource is not found.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Respone HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:56:13 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 279 Content-Type: application/json


   "about_me": "Profile Create with CURL",
   "followers": [],
   "following": [],
   "id": 19,
   "language": "en",
   "location": "",
   "mugshot": null,
   "privacy": "registered",
   "projects": [],
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/19/",
   "user": "akshit"


PUT /api/v1/profile/<username>/ Updates the Profile Resource field with the supplied JSON data.Currently works with only about_me field but can be extended to include location and mugshot or Avatar fields
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data '{"about_me" :"Profile Create & updated with CURL "}'\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186

Project Resource

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/projects/ Following query returns the list of all the projects submitted by the user.
GET /api/v1/projects/<id>/ We can query a particular project with its id. This would return ProjectResource for the requested project id.It also shows related comments and likes on the project.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=d2fe32b15b0b395a5d0e0ea4b7eb1e5d6ea15de7
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:40:38 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "Likes": 6,
   "comment": [
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/3/",
           "text": "This is a Comment :)",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/8/",
           "text": "Lets Post another Comment here :D",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/9/",
           "text": "But This Kinda Looks Sweet :D",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/29/",
           "text": "superb :)",
           "user": "nikking1793"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/30/",
           "text": "superb :)",
           "user": "nikking1793"
   "desc": "Hello Project world",
   "history": "",
   "id": 1,
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/1/",
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin.jpg",
   "shared_date": "2013-09-17T16:44:53.773919",
   "src": "/media/projects/",
   "title": "This is My Project",
   "user": "aregee"


POST /api/v1/projects/ Making an http POST request to this URI with the Multipart form data in the JSON format creates a new project and Returns HTTP 201 for successfully created projects
Example curl -F "user=/api/v1/profile/2/" -F "title=Fiddle with JS" -F "desc=this file documents my PROGRESS with learning JavaScript" -F "src=@projects/objects.js" -F "screenshot=@projects/img_screen.png"\&api_key=531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba99
PATCH /api/v1/projects/<id>/ Updates the changed field to an existing project in the form of json data.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PATCH --data '{"title":"Gallery Lock ++ " }'\&api_key=531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba99
PUT /api/v1/projects/<id>/ We can also use the HTTP PUT request to update all the fields of an existing project
DELETE /api/v1/projects/<id>/ Destroys the current project and the resource related to it : Likes , Comments

Project Forking

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/forking/<project_id>/ Currently to fork a project , authenticated user makes GET request to this end point with the project id they need to fork.This method creates a copy of the requested project and associates it to the requesting User's profile.There is a history field in the Project to hold the data about original creator of the project.
Example curl\&api_key=b7c19215d088591e2dee07c2fb4df677ab1c9fbe
Response {
   "desc": "undefined",
   "history": "project undefined  created by aregee forked by vrinda ",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/forking/2/",
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin.jpg",
   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:07:57.861892",
   "src": "/media/projects/",
   "title": "undefined"



Resource Description
GET /api/v1/relations/ Returns a list of all the user relations with their resource.
POST /api/v1/relations/ To create a follower/followee relation between the two user we pass a JSON data with the resource_uri of the currently logged in user's profile as follower and viewed profile of the user as followee . Returns HTTP 201 Created Response and each relations has its own id and other meta deta.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"follower":"/api/v1/profile/3/","followee":"/api/v1/profile/4/"}'\&api_key=b7c19215d088591e2dee07c2fb4df677ab1c9fbe
DELETE /api/v1/relations/<id>/ Making a delete request to a relation , deletes the unilateral relation between the user.


The User interface and user experience of the site is an essential feature , we have to get this part right as this whole project's target audience is Kids so the UI should be simple yet should be attractive to kids and the user experience should be done in a way such that if kids use the site ,they are comfortable with all the functionality being offered by the site and engage on the site. Here are some of my Design Approach :

I am planning to stage the site on PaaS platform maybe like OpenShift , however there have been certains glitches with my Openshift account but I will try to work it out or consider some other feasible alternative. I am doing this because with this approach I would be able to get user feedback from community members side by side with my development efforts and hence I can iterate and improve with their feedbacks.

Site Model

I have planed to design the RESTful interface to the Moksaya project , and I plan to consume these APIs with a webapp possibly written with Backbone.js Initially Moksaya project offers a RESTful interface to the following interrelated models :

  • ProfileResource
  • ProjectResource
  • CommentResource
  • LikeResource
  • ForkResource

At the Top most level Profile/list contains all the User Profiles along with their Related Resources. So , a typical user profile contains User info like About , Birthdays etcs then the Related Resources Projects , Friends List , Likes on Projects (Can be easily extended for comments or other models). Most of these Related Resources can be accessed individually as well.

   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 3
   "objects": [
           "about_me": "DjangoNaut", 
           "birth_date": "1991-06-20", 
           "friends": [
           "gender": 1, 
           "language": "en", 
           "location": "India", 
           "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg", 
           "privacy": "registered", 
           "projects": [
                   "Likes": 3, 
                   "comment": [
                           "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                           "resource_uri": "", 
                           "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                           "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                           "resource_uri": "", 
                           "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
                   "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
                   "owner": "aregee", 
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
                   "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
                   "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
                   "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
                   "Likes": 1, 
                   "comment": [], 
                   "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
                   "owner": "aregee", 
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
                   "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
                   "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
                   "title": "Someting Wong"
                   "Likes": 0, 
                   "comment": [], 
                   "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
                   "owner": "aregee", 
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
                   "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:18:23.307241", 
                   "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
                   "title": "First Project Upload"
           "user": "aregee", 
           "website": ""
           "about_me": "Profile BIO", 
           "birth_date": "2013-06-26", 
           "friends": [
           "gender": 2, 
           "language": "en", 
           "location": "Delhi", 
           "mugshot": null, 
           "privacy": "registered", 
           "projects": [
                   "Likes": 3, 
                   "comment": [], 
                   "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
                   "owner": "testuser", 
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
                   "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
                   "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
                   "title": "First Project Upload"
                   "Likes": 0, 
                   "comment": [], 
                   "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
                   "owner": "testuser", 
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
                   "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572", 
                   "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
                   "title": "Someting Wong"
           "user": "testuser", 
           "website": ""
           "about_me": "Hello I am a dummy User here and I am doing something very amazing", 
           "birth_date": "2013-07-02", 
           "friends": [
           "gender": 1, 
           "language": "en", 
           "location": "India", 
           "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/0ebb9512eb.jpg", 
           "privacy": "registered", 
           "projects": [], 
           "user": "SomeDude", 
           "website": ""
   "about_me": "Profile BIO", 
   "birth_date": "2013-06-26", 
   "friends": [
   "gender": 2, 
   "language": "en", 
   "location": "Delhi", 
   "mugshot": null, 
   "privacy": "registered", 
   "projects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
   "user": "testuser", 
   "website": ""
   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 5
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:18:23.307241", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"

In the above results I have excluded Project ids from the json Response, but similarly each individual project could be accessed and updated by making GET or Post or Put request to<pk>?format=json

   "Likes": 1, 
   "comment": [], 
   "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
   "owner": "aregee", 
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
   "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
   "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
   "title": "Someting Wong"


Lets take a look at how forking works here , though this is not really the best approach but I am doing this for understanding purpose and would figure out the proper solution for this .. but for now here it is.

  • Lets say these are the projects on the Moksaya submitted by the user :
   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 3
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 3, 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
  • Now I am logged in as aregee , and here is my profile at
   "about_me": "DjangoNaut", 
   "birth_date": "1991-06-20", 
   "friends": [
   "gender": 1, 
   "language": "en", 
   "location": "India", 
   "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg", 
   "privacy": "registered", 
   "projects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
   "user": "aregee", 
   "website": ""

  • Now I want to fork the Project with id = 3 created by testuser , so I will make a GET request to
   "Changes": {
       "owner": "testuser", 
       "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494"
   "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/forking/3/", 
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
   "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
   "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
   "title": "First Project Upload"

The diffs / metadata could be viewed for the changes made , for instance here the response shows the original author of the project and the date it was shared

  • Lets take a look at my Profile again at
   "about_me": "DjangoNaut", 
   "birth_date": "1991-06-20", 
   "friends": [
   "gender": 1, 
   "language": "en", 
   "location": "India", 
   "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg", 
   "privacy": "registered", 
   "projects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 4, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
   "user": "aregee", 
   "website": ""

  • And the list of projects at
   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 4
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 3, 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 4, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"

Difference among the two Projects can be tracked by Project.objects.get(pk = 4).diff(Project.objects.get(pk = 3)) , its a method provided by the django-forkit app to view changes / differences in the forkable models. Meta data field needs to bee added to Projects field so that we can save these differences when a project is forked , and every project should contain a link to original creator.


  • Add Authentication
  • Provide Full CRUD access to authenticated user to the core site functionalities : Like , Comment , UserProfile, Projects etcs
  • Improve the forking functionality
  • Implement JavaScript Client to consume APIs to get a minimal functional product up and running