Summer of Code/2013/moksaya

Moksaya Project :

A Dajngo based web app aimed at sharing and collaboration of sugar activities to foster learning and creativity

Goal of this project is to implement a Project Sharing site to foster collaboration and sharing of Sugar Activities over the internet.The website upon the completion would also provide REST-API’s , so that the services of the website could be utilised by the Sugar Activities to share the project on the site from within the Sugar Environment.

Key Deliverables :

Here I have listed the Key features that I am currently working on , however as we go through the course of GSoC new features will be added ,once we have a concrete and stable base infrastructure for the Social Project Sharing site.

  • Social Features : Following/Followers , Like , favourites , share , Comments .etc
  • Authenticated RESTful API's :Ability to interact with website from various Sugar Activities
  • Separate landing pages for different audiences (kids, teachers, parents, etc.)
  • Gallery : Ability for users to create portfolio of their projects.


I am developing this project under the Moksaya branch on my Github.

REST API v1 Resources

User Creation

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/register/ Makes http POST request with the JSON data to create a new user in the database ,if a user already exist raises HTTP 400 badrequest and returns a Json response with error message "the username already exist" . Returns HTTP 201 for successfully Created User
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"username" :"user101" , "email" :"" , "password" : "password" }'
Response HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:49:52 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Location:

Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Authentication and User Login

Requires Username and Password for obtaining the api_keys , and rest of the other resources are accessed with the API Keys. There are two ways to do it, these are Publicly accessible end points.

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/token/auth/ Returns the apikey for the requested user, we need to supply the username and password in the request headers .
Example curl -k --user "aregee:notebook"
Response {
   "key": "531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba997"


POST /api/v1/user/login/ Another way is to POST the user credentials as a JSON data to this end point and returns User Resource with the API_key . Raises HTTP 401 for unauthorized with error response
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"username":"user101","password":"notebook" }'
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:16:20 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Content-Type: application/json Set-Cookie: sessionid=ddb4289b9fe8b2a963bfc540f81559c3; expires=Fri, 04-Oct-2013 22:16:20 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/ Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "apikey": "03f9a40ddd029b0a773a54f189aaa92d5a07c2d2",
   "email": "",
   "first_name": "",
   "id": 14,
   "last_name": "",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/14/",
   "username": "user101"


User Resource

Authenticated users can access the User Resource , with the api_key and User Resource supports following authenticated options

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/user/ Returns the list of all user accounts when accessed with authenticated header but returns requested user's resource when username and api_key supplied in url parameters
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:32:23 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "meta": {
       "limit": 20,
       "next": null,
       "offset": 0,
       "previous": null,
       "total_count": 1
   "objects": [
           "apikey": "feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186",
           "email": "",
           "first_name": "",
           "id": 19,
           "last_name": "",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/19/",
           "username": "akshit"


GET /api/v1/user/<username>/ We can also access users with their respective usernames and returns HTTP 401 for resource not found
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=d2fe32b15b0b395a5d0e0ea4b7eb1e5d6ea15de7
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:05:43 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "apikey": "531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba997",
   "email": "",
   "first_name": "",
   "id": 2,
   "last_name": "",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/2/",
   "username": "aregee"


DELETE /api/v1/user/<username>/ Removes the requested <username> from the database .
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 22:36:22 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Profile Resource

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/profile/ Making http post to this end point with the json data containing the Profile fields creates a new user profile , which is Related to all the other resources.Returns HTTP 201 response for successfully created user profile , returns HTTP 400 bad request with error response for unsuccessful attempts.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"user":"/api/v1/user/akshit/" , "about_me" :"Profile Create with CURL"}'\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
GET /api/v1/profile/ Returns list of all user profiles , throttles twenty results per request.
GET /api/v1/profile/username/ Returns ProfileResource for the requested user , returns http 404 if resource is not found.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186
Respone HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:56:13 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 279 Content-Type: application/json


   "about_me": "Profile Create with CURL",
   "followers": [],
   "following": [],
   "id": 19,
   "language": "en",
   "location": "",
   "mugshot": null,
   "privacy": "registered",
   "projects": [],
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/19/",
   "user": "akshit"


PUT /api/v1/profile/<username>/ Updates the Profile Resource field with the supplied JSON data.Currently works with only about_me field but can be extended to include location and mugshot or Avatar fields
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data '{"about_me" :"Profile Create & updated with CURL "}'\&api_key=feea1175cdb9dde076eb68b5d83857fe2a58a186

Project Resource

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/projects/ Following query returns the list of all the projects submitted by the user.
GET /api/v1/projects/<id>/ We can query a particular project with its id. This would return ProjectResource for the requested project id.It also shows related comments and likes on the project.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET\&api_key=d2fe32b15b0b395a5d0e0ea4b7eb1e5d6ea15de7
Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:40:38 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "Likes": 6,
   "comment": [
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/3/",
           "text": "This is a Comment :)",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/8/",
           "text": "Lets Post another Comment here :D",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/9/",
           "text": "But This Kinda Looks Sweet :D",
           "user": "aregee"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/29/",
           "text": "superb :)",
           "user": "nikking1793"
           "entry": "This is My Project",
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/30/",
           "text": "superb :)",
           "user": "nikking1793"
   "desc": "Hello Project world",
   "history": "",
   "id": 1,
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/1/",
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin.jpg",
   "shared_date": "2013-09-17T16:44:53.773919",
   "src": "/media/projects/",
   "title": "This is My Project",
   "user": "aregee"


POST /api/v1/projects/ Making an http POST request to this URI with the Multipart form data in the JSON format creates a new project and Returns HTTP 201 for successfully created projects
Example curl -F "user=/api/v1/profile/2/" -F "title=Fiddle with JS" -F "desc=this file documents my PROGRESS with learning JavaScript" -F "src=@projects/objects.js" -F "screenshot=@projects/img_screen.png"\&api_key=531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba99
PATCH /api/v1/projects/<id>/ Updates the changed field to an existing project in the form of json data.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PATCH --data '{"title":"Gallery Lock ++ " }'\&api_key=531ffb6152171df4f60b1b09f09dd1b4c5aba99
PUT /api/v1/projects/<id>/ We can also use the HTTP PUT request to update all the fields of an existing project
DELETE /api/v1/projects/<id>/ Destroys the current project and the resource related to it : Likes , Comments

Project Forking

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/forking/<project_id>/ Currently to fork a project , authenticated user makes GET request to this end point with the project id they need to fork.This method creates a copy of the requested project and associates it to the requesting User's profile.There is a history field in the Project to hold the data about original creator of the project.
Example curl\&api_key=b7c19215d088591e2dee07c2fb4df677ab1c9fbe
Response {
   "desc": "undefined",
   "history": "project undefined  created by aregee forked by vrinda ",
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/forking/2/",
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin.jpg",
   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:07:57.861892",
   "src": "/media/projects/",
   "title": "undefined"



Resource Description
GET /api/v1/relations/ Returns a list of all the user relations with their resource.
POST /api/v1/relations/ To create a follower/followee relation between the two user we pass a JSON data with the resource_uri of the currently logged in user's profile as follower and viewed profile of the user as followee . Returns HTTP 201 Created Response and each relations has its own id and other meta deta.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"follower":"/api/v1/profile/3/","followee":"/api/v1/profile/4/"}'\&api_key=b7c19215d088591e2dee07c2fb4df677ab1c9fbe
DELETE /api/v1/relations/<id>/ Making a delete request to a relation , deletes the unilateral relation between the user.


Resource Description
POST /api/v1/liking/ Making http post request to this Resource along with the json data with user field containing resource_uri of the currently logged in user and liking_content_type field contains the URI of requested Project creates a liking Relation between the user and project.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"user":"/api/v1/profile/2/" ,"liked_content_type":"/api/v1/projects/2/" }'\&api_key=b7c19215d088591e2dee07c2fb4df677ab1c9fbe
GET /api/v1/liking/ Returns the list of all the liking relationship with their resource id and other liking resource.
GET /api/v1/liking/<id> {
           "Liked": "undefined",
           "id": 2,
           "liked_content_type": {
               "Likes": 1,
               "comment": [
                       "entry": "undefined",
                       "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/1/",
                       "text": ":P",
                       "user": "vrinda"
               "desc": "undefined",
               "history": "project undefined  created by aregee forked by vrinda ",
               "id": 4,
               "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/4/",
               "screenshot": "/media/projects/wb3_1.png",
               "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:09:43.084615",
               "src": "/media/projects/",
               "title": "undefined",
               "user": "vrinda"
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/liking/2/",
           "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:09:59.892135",
           "user": "vrinda"
DELETE /api/v1/liking/<id>/ Destroys the requested liked relation.

Comment Resource

Description Resource
POST /api/v1/comment/ This resource creates a new comment resource with the JSON data supplied to it.Returns 201 response for successfully added comment.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"user":"/api/v1/profile/1/","entry":"/api/v1/projects/2/" , "text":"Comment posted with REST" }'\&api_key=som23h32gh2g3h3g2h3gh2213ftf32f
GET /api/v1/comment/ List all the comments along with their related Project Resource.
GET /api/v1/comment/<id>/ Filters the Comment resource by their respective ids.
PATCH /api/v1/comment/<id>/ Updates the text field in the comment.
Example curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PATCH --data '{"text":"Comment POSTed with updated with PATCH" }'\&api_key=ytg67asdf76asdf76fdsa767asdf67sadtg
DELETE /api/v1/comment/<id>/ Making a delete request to the comment id , deletes the comment from the related resource or Project.

Site Model

I have planed to design the RESTful interface to the Moksaya project , and I plan to consume these APIs with a webapp possibly written with Backbone.js Initially Moksaya project offers a RESTful interface to the following interrelated models :

  • ProfileResource
  • ProjectResource
  • CommentResource
  • LikeResource
  • ForkResource

At the Top most level Profile/list contains all the User Profiles along with their Related Resources. So , a typical user profile contains User info like About , Birthdays etcs then the Related Resources Projects , Friends List , Likes on Projects (Can be easily extended for comments or other models). Most of these Related Resources can be accessed individually as well.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 01:32:01 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Vary: Accept,Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Language: en-us Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/json Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   "meta": {
       "limit": 20,
       "next": "/api/v1/profile/?username=spock&api_key=d2fe32b15b0b395a5d0e0ea4b7eb1e5d6ea15de7&limit=20&offset=20",
       "offset": 0,
       "previous": null,
       "total_count": 26
   "objects": [
           "about_me": "admin",
           "followers": [
           "following": [],
           "id": 1,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/1/",
           "user": "admin"
           "about_me": "Now I can update About_ME",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 2,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [
                   "Likes": 1,
                   "comment": [],
                   "desc": "undefined",
                   "history": "",
                   "id": 1,
                   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/1/",
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/wb3.png",
                   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:07:29.101309",
                   "src": "/media/projects/",
                   "title": "undefined",
                   "user": "aregee"
                   "Likes": 0,
                   "comment": [],
                   "desc": "undefined",
                   "history": "",
                   "id": 2,
                   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/2/",
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin.jpg",
                   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:07:57.861892",
                   "src": "/media/projects/",
                   "title": "undefined",
                   "user": "aregee"
                   "Likes": 0,
                   "comment": [],
                   "desc": "undefined",
                   "history": "",
                   "id": 3,
                   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/3/",
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/beautiful_strings.png",
                   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:08:30.575741",
                   "src": "/media/projects/",
                   "title": "undefined",
                   "user": "aregee"
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/2/",
           "user": "aregee"
           "about_me": "Oh not it won't happen :0",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 3,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [
                   "Likes": 1,
                   "comment": [
                           "entry": "undefined",
                           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/comment/1/",
                           "text": ":P",
                           "user": "vrinda"
                   "desc": "undefined",
                   "history": "project undefined  created by aregee forked by vrinda ",
                   "id": 4,
                   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/4/",
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/wb3_1.png",
                   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:09:43.084615",
                   "src": "/media/projects/",
                   "title": "undefined",
                   "user": "vrinda"
                   "Likes": 0,
                   "comment": [],
                   "desc": "undefined",
                   "history": "project undefined  created by aregee forked by vrinda ",
                   "id": 5,
                   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/projects/5/",
                   "screenshot": "/media/projects/lin_1.jpg",
                   "shared_date": "2013-09-20T19:22:22.520212",
                   "src": "/media/projects/",
                   "title": "undefined",
                   "user": "vrinda"
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/3/",
           "user": "vrinda"
           "about_me": "I am SPOCK",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [],
           "id": 4,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/4/",
           "user": "spock"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is kirk's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 5,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/5/",
           "user": "kirk"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is ned's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 6,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/6/",
           "user": "ned"
           "about_me": "sdasd",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 7,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/7/",
           "user": "tch"
           "about_me": "I am Titiksha",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 8,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/8/",
           "user": "titiksha"
           "about_me": "This is Rob Stark , King in the North ;)",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [
           "id": 9,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/9/",
           "user": "robStark"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is mronetwo's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [],
           "id": 10,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/10/",
           "user": "mronetwo"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is monikagupta's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [],
           "id": 11,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/11/",
           "user": "monikagupta"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is jarvis's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 12,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/12/",
           "user": "jarvis"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is satyamyadav's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 13,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/13/",
           "user": "satyamyadav"
           "about_me": "Hello , I am user1010 and I code :)",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [
           "id": 14,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/14/",
           "user": "user101"
           "about_me": "Howdy atif , this is your  Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [
           "id": 15,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/15/",
           "user": "atif"
           "about_me": "Howdy surajgillespie , this is your  Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [],
           "id": 16,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/16/",
           "user": "surajgillespie"
           "about_me": "Howdy partner, this is moksaya_user's Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [],
           "id": 17,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/17/",
           "user": "moksaya_user"
           "about_me": "Howdy nikking1793 , this is your  Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [
           "id": 18,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/18/",
           "user": "nikking1793"
           "about_me": "Howdy Ayushletsrock , this is your  Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [
           "following": [],
           "id": 20,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/20/",
           "user": "Ayushletsrock"
           "about_me": "Howdy gonzalo , this is your  Moksaya Profile",
           "followers": [],
           "following": [],
           "id": 21,
           "language": "en",
           "location": "",
           "mugshot": null,
           "privacy": "registered",
           "projects": [],
           "resource_uri": "/api/v1/profile/21/",
           "user": "gonzalo"


   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 5
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:18:23.307241", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T19:37:54.184572", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"

In the above results I have excluded Project ids from the json Response, but similarly each individual project could be accessed and updated by making GET or Post or Put request to<pk>?format=json

   "Likes": 1, 
   "comment": [], 
   "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
   "owner": "aregee", 
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
   "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
   "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
   "title": "Someting Wong"


Lets take a look at how forking works here , though this is not really the best approach but I am doing this for understanding purpose and would figure out the proper solution for this .. but for now here it is.

  • Lets say these are the projects on the Moksaya submitted by the user :
   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 3
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 3, 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
  • Now I am logged in as aregee , and here is my profile at
   "about_me": "DjangoNaut", 
   "birth_date": "1991-06-20", 
   "friends": [
   "gender": 1, 
   "language": "en", 
   "location": "India", 
   "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg", 
   "privacy": "registered", 
   "projects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
   "user": "aregee", 
   "website": ""

  • Now I want to fork the Project with id = 3 created by testuser , so I will make a GET request to
   "Changes": {
       "owner": "testuser", 
       "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494"
   "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
   "resource_uri": "/api/v1/forking/3/", 
   "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
   "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
   "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
   "title": "First Project Upload"

The diffs / metadata could be viewed for the changes made , for instance here the response shows the original author of the project and the date it was shared

  • Lets take a look at my Profile again at
   "about_me": "DjangoNaut", 
   "birth_date": "1991-06-20", 
   "friends": [
   "gender": 1, 
   "language": "en", 
   "location": "India", 
   "mugshot": "/media/mugshots/d749832b7a.jpg", 
   "privacy": "registered", 
   "projects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 4, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
   "user": "aregee", 
   "website": ""

  • And the list of projects at
   "meta": {
       "limit": 20, 
       "next": null, 
       "offset": 0, 
       "previous": null, 
       "total_count": 4
   "objects": [
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "MAhn this is some awesome shit "
                   "entry": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time", 
                   "resource_uri": "", 
                   "text": "cool Man comments are returned in APIs"
           "desc": "here is another hack by me and I am doing this right now", 
           "id": 1, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-01-21_030756.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-25T18:48:18.205760", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Another story i am covering and i want to test the constrains this time"
           "Likes": 1, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "Wired Hack ", 
           "id": 2, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/background.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-26T05:59:48.445868", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/", 
           "title": "Someting Wong"
           "Likes": 3, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 3, 
           "owner": "testuser", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-06-27T15:31:22.560494", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"
           "Likes": 0, 
           "comment": [], 
           "desc": "This is my first hello world code", 
           "id": 4, 
           "owner": "aregee", 
           "screenshot": "/media/projects/Screenshot_from_2013-02-03_173238.png", 
           "shared_date": "2013-07-04T20:46:43.062294", 
           "src": "/media/proejcts/hello.c", 
           "title": "First Project Upload"

Difference among the two Projects can be tracked by Project.objects.get(pk = 4).diff(Project.objects.get(pk = 3)) , its a method provided by the django-forkit app to view changes / differences in the forkable models. Meta data field needs to bee added to Projects field so that we can save these differences when a project is forked , and every project should contain a link to original creator.


  • Add Authentication
  • Provide Full CRUD access to authenticated user to the core site functionalities : Like , Comment , UserProfile, Projects etcs
  • Improve the forking functionality
  • Implement JavaScript Client to consume APIs to get a minimal functional product up and running