Summer of Code/2014

Project candidates

A list of projects potential participants might contribute within GSoC program.

Potential mentors, please feel free to add ideas to this list. Also, feel free to add your name to a project you'd be willing to co-mentor.
Potential students, more project ideas can be found on our Features page.

Sugar Core

Port to Python3

Cordova/PhoneGap container for Sugar

Lionel Laské
Project Description
The idea is to allow Sugar Web Activities to use device dependent features. In this objective, the project will be to transform Sugar into a Cordova/PhoneGap container and to implement major PhoneGap features. Shortly, the project is to add Sugar as new supported platform for Cordova/PhoneGap. Lists of Sugar features that could be exposed to Sugar Web Activities using Cordova/PhoneGap will be: Camera, Audio/Video capture, Accelerometer, Connection, Events, File, Globalization, Media. During the project, the student will also have to demonstrate its work by writing some sample activities using device features. Example of activities is a Record like activity or a Level Tool like.

Voice Interface

Assistive Interface

Sugar Activities

Turtle Art 3D


Walter Bender
Project Description
Sugar is lacking any 3D programming environments. This project would be to develop such an environment. There is a rich program in 3D Logo developed by Horacio Reggini [1]. The specific project would be to write an extension to Turtle Blocks to encompass Reggini's ideas.

Music Suite

Video Editing Suite

Gonzalo Odiard
Project Description
Sugar need a simple activity to process video. The interface should be simple and need run in a device with low resources as the xo.

Assistive Robots