Features/Sugar3 Docs/How To Write

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This will guide your through how to write docs for a module in sugar3. There are 5 easy steps to writing the documentation, and 3 bonus steps for getting it merged.

Example patch: https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/pull/269/files or https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/pull/256/files

How To Guide

1. Write a code example for using the code. Try to write a stand alone python script that demonstrates the major features of the module and put in the examples directory in sugar-toolkit-gtk3. If it can not be demonstrated standalone, write a code sample that the user could paste into their activity, simmilar to the sugar3.graphics.alert example. When writing the example, add comments to explain what code is doing that might be non obvious (eg. that something is zero indexed, or that this function needs to be called first)

2. Write a blurb (a small paragraph, around 3 lines) for the module and include your example. Your blurb should say what this does and where to use it. Place this between the license and the imports. Including the example will always use the syntax .. literalinclude:: ../examples/SOMETHING.py. For example:

The combobox module provides a combo box; a button like widget which
creates a list popup when clicked.  It's best used outside of a
toolbar when the user needs to choose from a *short* list of items.


.. literalinclude:: ../examples/combobox.py

3. Document each class. Write a blurb about what the class does and where to use it. If the constructor takes any parameters, or if the class has any signals, they need to be documented here. Place this directly after the class definition. For example:

class PaletteMenuItem(Gtk.EventBox):
    A palette menu item is a line of text, and optionally an icon, that the
    user can activate.

    The `activate` signal is usually emitted when the item is clicked.  It has
    no arguments.  When a menu item is activated, the palette is also closed.

        text_label (str):  a text to display in the menu

        icon_name (str):  the name of a sugar icon to be displayed. Takse
            precedence over file_name

        text_maxlen (int):  the desired maximum width of the label, in
            characters.  By default set to 60 chars

        xo_color (:class:`sugar.graphics.XoColor`):  the color to be applied to
            the icon

        file_name (str):  the path to a svg file used as icon

        accelerator (str):  a text used to display the keyboard shortcut
            associated to the menu

4. Document the class methods and global functions. You should document what the method/function does and any side effects that it has. If it takes arguments, the they must have their types and function documented. Same goes for return value. This should be placed after the definition. For example (the following are 2 separate methods from different classes):

    def set_image(self, icon):
        Sets the icon widget.  Usually this will be a

            icon (:class:`Gtk.Widget`):  icon widget
        self._hbox.pack_start(icon, expand=False, fill=False,
        self._hbox.reorder_child(icon, 0)
    def get_value(self):
        The value of the currently selected item; the same as the `value`
        argument that was passed to the `append_item` func.

            object, value of selected item
        row = self.get_active_item()
        if not row:
            return None
        return row[0]

5. Proofread. Use the 'make-doc.sh' script to build the docs. Then cd doc/_build/html and start a http server (python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000). Load 'localhost:8000 in your favorite web browser and check that your documentation has rendered correctly and makes sense. Make sure you have a spell checker in your text editor (the vim one in very nice as it only checks strings and docstrings), because I can't spell or check.

SAMdroid (talk) I'm being hypocritical saying this, but I'll proof it soon :)

6. Write a commit message like Write documentation for sugar3.i.just.wrote.docs.

7. Create a pull request on GitHub.

8. Listen to whoever reviews your patch.

Syntax Information

The docgen uses sphinx. Sphinx uses reStructuredText as a markup. We then use autodoc and napoleon to write docstrings using google style.

Napolean quick intro: http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

reStructuredText primer: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html

how do I go X in sphinx?: I'm too lazy to find docs. Just duckduckgo or google "sphinx X" if you haven't already.