Summer of Code/2016/Redesign and recreate Sugar Labs webappearance

< Summer of Code‎ | 2016
Revision as of 03:59, 24 March 2016 by Beastie (talk | contribs)

About Me

Name: Kanika Murarka
Program: Bachelor of Technology

Major: Computer Science and Engineering (Pre-Final Year)
College/University: GGSIPU, New Delhi, India
Email: Contact[at]KanikaMurarka[dot]xyz
Phone: +91-9868-179-156, +91-8800-184-063
First language: Hindi, but also proficient in English
IRC: Kanikaa in freenode #sugar
SugarLabs Wiki Username: Beastie
Timezone: I can work from 16:00 to 21:00 IST (UTC +5:30) but it's adjustable
Current Location: Delhi, India,
Open Source Projects: I have contributed in Mozilla Delhi Community
Twitter: Kanika on Twitter
Github: Kanika on GitHub
Blog: Kanika’s Blog

About My project

Name of Project

Redesign and Recreate Sugar Labs Web Appearance


This project is to revamp the existing templates in diversified sites of Sugar Labs and unify a theme across each one of them. The obsolete pages would be re-designed and a minimal number of technologies would be applied to develop the web appearance.


The existing sites are very diversified in nature. The goal is to make a unified theme and apply it across all the sites (main page, planet, wiki etc.). This would ensure consistency and ease of use across all Sugar Labs sites. The obsolete pages would be dropped/re-designed according to the needs and minimal design would be applied.
Using less no. of technologies would make code maintenance easier and would also facilitate in dropping off unnecessary tools. This would mean unification in technology across all sites.


  1. Designing modern and innovative template for all Sugar Labs Site: Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan.
  2. Unify the technologies used across all sites: Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum.


An incremental enhancement approach would be followed.

  1. Discuss with mentor(s) about specifications
  2. Implementing stuff
  3. Getting feedback and re-iterating

This would help in revealing any bugs/mis-conception early in development phase itself and also give more time on enhancing the application as desired.


<study about the current system and give a brief> <include your UI mocks here> <also the technology you’ll be using across all sites> <html, css, js, jquery, python, any other they’re using?>


The community and me
