Karma:Meeting 4 Aug 2009

Revision as of 23:57, 18 December 2016 by KachachanC (talk | contribs)
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Outdated meeting notes

Agenda Items:

  1. Status of "Adding up to 10"
    1. will this be the first real sample activity (?)
  2. Status of i18n support
  3. Bundle Layout
    1. where to put the lesson/game specific .css and .js files and how to name them (?)
    2. screenshot requirement (for Chakra)
    3. how to deal with file duplicates
  4. Utility scripts
  5. Workflows
    1. from a selection of lessons to building a lesson or XO bundle
    2. manual vs. automatic
  6. Lesson tagging
  7. Assessment
  8. Roadmap for the next 4 weeks -- until end of GSoC
  9. Roadmap until end of Sept.