Activity Library/Editors/Applying

How do I become an editor?

If you have read all of the information in the Editors' Guide and are interested in becoming an editor, you can apply by doing the following:

  1. Read the Editors' Guide completely.
  2. Begin testing sandbox activities and writing reviews of them. Do not skip this step! We will look over the reviews you have done in the sandbox.
  3. When you feel you have enough experience with how the site works, send an email to IAEP mailing list (you need to subscribe at first) with the subject "ASLO Editor Application" and the below information.
  4. Please be patient for a response. We will request that at least 2 existing editors or admins look over your reviews and vouch for you.

The email should contain:

  • Your name
  • Your e-mail address (same as your ASLO account)
  • Any experience you have testing or creating extensions
  • Any other relevant information

You may wish to join us in #sugar on] to start getting a feeling for how things work.