Activity Team/Project Ideas

New activity requests

Please sign these as you add them.

Some challenges:
  • suspend/resume friendly (maybe updates only on frame view and resume),
  • links to the settings (control) panel to update system/local time,
  • links to Clock activity for learning to tell time, to Stopwatch for timing events and setting alarms, and Time for learning more about time (which might eventually have a link to Moon). --FGrose 05:37, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
  • A calendar for the frame. --FGrose 05:37, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Blogging activity for Sugar.
  • Blog aggregator for a mesh network.
  • Create Drupal/Wordpress sugar compatible themes and modules.
  • Sugarize PiTiVi, uses pygtk and gstreamer so seems like something quite doable.
  • Competitive/collaborative "trivia" activity -- there's a synchronized countdown, and then you get points for answering questions correctly and quickly. Could use groupthink for scoring, maybe share data with assimilate/memorize? Cjb 21:31, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Activities/Elect Open Voting Consortium secure, auditable, easy-to-use GPLed election suite.
  • Pootle Integration for Karma BryanWB 08:00 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Activity HIG (Human Interface Guidelines)

  • tweak Sugar HIG's sections alsroot 14:01, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
    • what screen resolution should be minimal for activities? alsroot 14:01, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
    • I think 1024x768 is a good minimum. is this too low?
    • thats enough for desktops, but netbooks may have something like 1024x600(Eee PC 900)
    • Ok, 1024x600 sounds good. I contacted Eben Eliason to ask about his involvement. Wade 21:37, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
    • Response from Eben: No need for a new HIG but he plans to look over the regular HIG to make sure it is relevant to activities.
  • Further suggestions: User:satellit
    • Resume for browse on a shared activity from an icon: Start as private with drop down to make shared. The resume shared from the top icon may not be required or wanted.
    • Display of shared browse site name from icon on Neighborhood(F1)view raises privacy issues?


  • Create mailing list.
    Questionable - I tend to think additional mailing lists just add additional barriers.Wade 01:34, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

sugar-widgets library

See Development Team/sugar-port

See Also
