
create page, copy timeline from proposal
== Time line ==

For reference, I've copied the timeline from the [[Version support for datastore/Proposal|proposal]].

:Application deadline
:Easter (sunday); UI mockup submitted for review by [[Design_Team|Design Team]]
:start of (university) term; announcement of accepted GSoC proposals
:submitted API draft for review by [[Development_Team|Development Team]]
:[[Marketing Team/Events/MiniCamp Paris 2009|SugarCamp Europe 2009]]
:start of GSoC
:current code examined and understood; API, on-disk format and UI design chosen
:data store enhanced to be able to deal with versions (basic API)
:added (working) prev/next buttons to Journal details view
:added support for importing from existing data store
:added unit tests (and potentially regression tests), fixed all known bugs, submitted for review by [[Design_Team|Design Team]]
:GSoC midterm evaluation ("working and 90% done"); added indexing (e.g. using sqlite)
:code integrated upstream for increased exposure (testing!); started discussion on extended UI design (version tree etc.)
:end of (university) term
:end of GSoC
:Fedora 12 release; Sugar 0.86 release short time later?

== Progress ==
