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===Activity Implode===
====Activity Summary====
'''Implode''' activity is a game of logic supports the community of learners in
which brings the child to destroy a structure of blocks by grouping them by color
and making them explode or disappear from the screen.
With this activity the teacher will nurture the spirit of logic of students in situations
problems. Students will not use color pencils but recognize
colors easily.
Affordances of the activity
* The student can move the blocks to match the colors according to the
* The student can control the level of play, the recovery after a failure or a first
new configuration.
* The Game tab provides more information on the game and its level: New, Undo,
Redo, Easy, Medium and Difficult.
* The activity can be done individually, in dyads or triads and share with
the neighborhood. Students can share the activity. They will train for
become resource persons (those who are doing very well in the game), for
help others in difficulty depending on the level of play Students
and develop the spirit of the community instead of the competitive spirit in vogue
in attitude of Gabonese student.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Implode activity can be placed at level 5, because it is an easy to integrate
in the mathematics curriculum the first year to train and represent
sets according to various criteria: nature, shapes and colors and build collections
Objects from 1 to 3 elements.
====Application pédagogique 1====
Blend colors and introduction to the operations of addition and subtraction in
first year with the easy level.
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
Train sets by color
The teacher may ask students to identify different colors on the screen by
example green, yellow, red, blue and orange. Then it will ask students to
click on a set from three small squares of the same color. Students
seen the disappearance of the tiles after clicking on the whole. The teacher
Ask students what happened. Students will notice that the group
tile was removed from the screen. Thus, the teacher may illustrate the operations
of addition and subtraction through this activity. For example, 1 and 2 is red
join is add or add. A set of red disappears from
the screen is removed, delete or remove.
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': From 2nd to 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
Cultivating a taste for effort among students with medium and difficult levels.
Indeed, at each level of play, the student can be led to it. The fun
of the activity will encourage it to start again until he wins. If the teacher
asks students to consider the activity as a problem to solve, depending on the level
of the learner and the game, they can say, for example, to subtract only the color
orange. The student who succeeds in doing so solved the problem. Otherwise, it
repeat the activity to obtain the desired result. The teacher can
transpose the effort during the game to solve problems in mathematics
for example.
NB: This application is not included in the curriculum. However, it has
educational benefits that teachers and students could take into account
all fields (and french enlightenment) to resolve the problems.
====User Guide for the Implode====
To access the Implode activity in the XO, after opening, with a view Welcome,
place the cursor on the icon represented by small green squares.
<image Home view>
Three options appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and Delete. Click Start
by pressing the left button (represented by X) of the touch pad to enter
activity. To go faster, click on the icon to enter the business.
<image Game>
Click on the tab for the main Game commands The star of the game is to start
a new game, the two triangles pointing left can
again at the very beginning, the arrow pointing left to return
a stroke back, while the arrow pointing to the right restored the coup canceled. The
three gates shown in this menu allow you to change the level of play from left to
right, the levels are easier to more difficult.
<image Game toolbar>
To play, click groups of three or more blocks of the same color. In
positioning your cursor on them, they will highlight.
===Activity Mini-Tam Tam===
===Activity Mini-Tam Tam===
====Activity Summary====
====Activity Summary====