
2,392 bytes added ,  09:02, 17 January 2011
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Work continues on the GoGo Activity so please check back soon for news of new features.
Work continues on the GoGo Activity so please check back soon for news of new features.
==Quick Tour==
==Quick Tour==
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===Install & Launch===
===Install & Launch===
Installation is performed on the XO clicking the "download" button on the [ GoGo Activity Web Page]. The activity can be identified by the ingeniously imaginative icon shown below. This icon should be on your home-screen straight after installation. If not then check for it in the "list-view" mode of the home-screen and click the star on the left to have the icon displayed on the Favorites-view. If GoGo is no where to be found then some older XO/OS's require that Sugar be restarted using ctrl-alt-erase.
Installation is performed on the XO clicking the "download" button on the [ GoGo Activity Web Page]. The activity can be identified by the ingeniously imaginative icon shown below. This icon should be on your home-screen straight after installation. If not then check for it in the "list-view" mode of the home-screen and click the star on the left to have the icon displayed on the Favorites-view. If GoGo is no where to be found then some older XO/OS's require that Sugar be restarted using ctrl-alt-erase.
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===Connection Tab: Plug In, Switch On & Connect!===
===Connection Tab: Plug In, Switch On & Connect!===
The following image provides an overview of the GoGo-Board itself. Take particular note of the On/Off switch, the green LED (left-center), the red LED next to the USB connector, the beeper (round thing on the right) and a programmable LED near it. All of these are useful for diagnosing connection problems, as described below.
The following image provides an overview of the GoGo-Board itself. Take particular note of the On/Off switch, the green LED (left-center), the red LED next to the USB connector, the beeper (round thing on the right) and a programmable LED near it. All of these are useful for diagnosing connection problems, as described below.
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===Console Tab: Control & Monitor===
===Console Tab: Control & Monitor===
The Console Tab allows you to directly control motors & servo's, the programmable LED, the beeper and to monitor GoGo connected sensors. In the image below the upper left section is for controlling motors and servo's. Note that this is a tabbed-section (with the tabs at the bottom) for selecting between Motors/Servo's. Also note that only those selected in the group of check-boxes denoted A/B/C/D will be effected. The lower section allows one-shot or continuous sensor monitoring and each sensor "type" can be selected from the drop-down boxes at the bottom. The available sensors-types is dictated by those listed in the "Sensor-Lab" tab, detailed later.
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===Logo Procedures Tab: On-board Programs===
===Logo Procedures Tab: On-board Programs===
The GoGo-Board can store compiled Logo code which can be run by clicking the board's "run" button. Stored code can be run with/ without the board being connected to the XO (batteries or alternative power source are required when the board is untethered). Code is created, edited, saved, loaded and "uploaded" via the Logo Procedures tab shown in the image below. Code is compiled and uploaded (if no errors) in a single step when the "Upload" button is clicked. The "Messages" section will report any errors in the Logo code, in which case nothing should actually be uploaded to the board.
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===Sensor-Lab Tab: Calibration Data===
===Data Upload Tab: Capture, Graph & Save===
<b><center>Sensor-Lab Tab</center></b>
===Data Upload Tab: Capture, Graph & Save===
Logo procedures can include commands to capture data, storing it on-board until 
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===Sensor-Lab Tab: Calibration Data===
Sensor values, even for switches, fall in the range 0..1023. The Sensor-Lab is where particular sensor "types" can be created to calibrate these values, give more meaningful names and specify the units used (eg, Resistance, KOhms). Calibration data is defined by specifying a number of calibration "points" between which the application will interpolate to convert the raw sensor values. In this way a library can be created of commonly encountered sensor types and there calibration data can be assigned when monitoring sensors in the Console tab and when importing captured data in the "Data Upload" tab. In the image below you can see the list of sensors, the calibration points for the selected sensor and a (slightly rough) idea of the shape of the calibration curve in the graph. For easier creation and editing of calibration data the information for each sensor can be exported and imported in both Comma-Separated-Variables (CSV) format or custom "Sensor" format. Like-wise sensor information can imported in either of these formats.   
<b><center>Sensor-Lab Tab</center></b>
