Michael Jin

Joined 27 November 2012
1,637 bytes added ,  02:53, 29 November 2012
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This is a guide on LiveUSB with SoaS (Sugar on a Stick).
==Getting Started==
Live-USB Creator for Windows ([https://fedorahosted.org/releases/l/i/liveusb-creator/liveusb-creator-3.11.7-setup.exe here])
Sugar LiveCD/USB (http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick/Downloads here)
==Installing Live-USB Creator==
Open "​liveusb-creator-3.11.7-setup.exe", it should open to a new window.
The installation size (not the .ISO file) only needs 28MB, if the "Space Available:" is less than 600 MB and you haven't downloaded one of the .ISO files, please consider freeing some space on your hard drive. Then click the "Install" button.
After the installer tries to create a shortcut, a new window should popup. Click the "Yes" button.
By now, the following window should popup. Click the "Browse" button to look for the .ISO file you've recently downloaded.
Since the version I downloaded was i686, I'm going to select "Fedora-17-i686-Live-SoaS.iso" and click the "Open" button.
Make sure you selected the right .iso file, the window should now say "*filename* selected".
Click on your "Target Device" to check whether you've selected the corresponding Drive Letter ("F:") or name ("New Volume") for the USB flash drive and make sure you've made a '''''copy of any important files that maybe on that USB flash drive'''''. Then click the "Create Live USB" button.
This is a guide to setup Sugar as a VM on your computer.
This is a guide to setup Sugar as a VM on your computer.
