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Deployment Team
This section of the wiki is dedicated to the needs of those who are running Sugar deployments. We'll be holding regular bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 14 UTC (10 EST) on irc.freenode.net (channel: #sugar-meeting). Please add to the agenda below and please join in with your ideas.
The mission of the Deployment Team is to voice the needs of Sugar deployments to the Sugar community, to find ways to support those needs, and to organize forums for the exchange of experiences between Sugar users and Sugar developers.
2008-09-10 meeting
DeploymentTeam/Meeting minutes/Deployment-2008-09-10-minutes
2008-09-24 meeting
DeploymentTeam/Meeting minutes/Deployment-2008-09-24-minutes
2008-10-01 meeting
DeploymentTeam/Meeting minutes/Deployment-2008-10-01-minutes
2008-10-15 meeting
The team
Please feel free to add yourself to the list.
A roadmap
- Please contribute to our Roadmap.
Mailing lists
There are a number of mailing lists where deployment issues are discussed. We've agreed to use OLPC-Sur and IAEP as the primary channels for the moment.
- OLPC Sur OLPC in South America
- India OLPC in India
- Nepal OLPC in Nepal
- It's an education project (IAEP) A discussion list for Sugar and the learning theories that it espouses
Deployment guides/ Sugar manuals
- OLPC deployment guide
- Guide to a small Sugar deployment
- Guide for Latin American Sugar deployments
- Guide to community outreach
- Sugar Manual (PDF)
- Sugar Activity manuals can be found here
- DeploymentTeam/School Key --About deployments with liveCDs and keys.
Please contribute to these forums or set up your own and add it to this list.
- http://olpc-ceibal.blogspot.com/ – blog about one computer per child in Uruguay
- http://walterbender.org/ – weekly digest about Sugar and deployment-related issues
- http://billkerr2.blogspot.com/ – blog focusing on learning (and occasional Sugar deployment issues)
- http://waveplace.com/news/blog/ – blog focusing on Waveplace deployments (featuring Sugar)
- http://xo-whs.wikispaces.com/ – wiki maintained by students using Sugar in Australia
Meeting opportunities
What are some forums for meet-ups between teachers and developers? Please add to this list.
- http://www.k12openminds.org – an International event specifically for K-12 educators designed to make OPEN SOURCE software and OPEN SYSTEMS more available and easier to use.
- http://www.ups.edu.ec/portal/page/portal/congresosl
- http://xo.org.uy/ “III Jornadas de Educación y TIC, the XO a tool to empoderate technology” Uruguay 25/28 september.
- http://congreso.softwarelibre.org.bo/ Free Software conference Bolivia
We have a number of proposals submitted to garner support of different deployment scenarios:
- Gray Matters
- UROPeru
- Sugar in Community – full proposal due 2008-12-01
- Young Voices Multiplier
- Education without boundaries
Local/Regional Sugar Labs
We would like to help local and regional groups establish Sugar Labs, whose mission would be to advance learning and the technical and pedagogical support around learning in specific locales. We are looking for input on how best to do this. Your input would be of great value to our efforts. Please join the discussion here.