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School Server/RIT
For RIT Honors Seminar project.
School Server Fall 2009 Seminar Project
(Draft, please contribute)
- Provide a school server test and development environment for the Honors Seminar participants,
- Develop School Server systems administration skills,
- Backup registered XOs or Sugar Sticks
- Host Moodle content developed in class
- Test and Debug OLPC - Sugar Labs School Server software
- Develop a School Server SysAdmin training curriculum for volunteers who want to support an OLPC or Sugar deployment
Objects and methods
- RIT LTL or other hardware
- OLPC XS development builds, http://wiki.laptop.org/go/School_server
- http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel and the list archives, archive with search
- OLPC projects/xs repository, http://dev.laptop.org/git/?q=projects%2Fxs
- Martin Langhoff's git repository, http://dev.laptop.org/git/users/martin/
Note: Admin log is located on the server at /var/log/adminlog.log
Possible task
- Fix Ejabber
- Configure Moodle to our needs
- Moodle xo python api
- XO Backup/Restore
- XO Security [1]
Completed Taks
- Install Moodle
- Apache (httpd)
- MySql
- Install Moodle
- These are good experiments to understand the above services. In the end we want to add instructions and some supporting scripts to modify the standard OLPC School Server to support our campus environment. For example Moodle, php, and PostgreSql are installed with the School Server, http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/xs-pkgs/tree/xs-pkgs.spec.in.
Network configuration
The School Server, XS, as received is designed and configured for 2 Ethernet adapters,
- eth0 - connected to the wide area network (WAN) or the campus Internet connection,
- eth1 - connected to an access point (AP) which the XOs connect to.
For robustness in unreliable power supply environments, there are scripts that reconfigure features on a frequent basis. This design has frustrated anyone wanting to deviate from the default configuration.
We will have to understand the design, carefully document our adjustments for our environment, and make preparations to restore one or more configurations once we upgrade to a new version of the server that may likely restore some of the default configurations.