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Post questions here for the Activity Team.

About the Activity Team

Who is on the Activity Team?

See Activity Team/Contacts for a list of team members.

How can I get in contact with you?

Feel free to write messages on our talk pages, or just drop in on one of our meetings.

Activity Development questions

What Sugar Labs author resources should I be aware of?

For new Activities:
Create a Gitorious project repository at and start hacking on your code! :-)
Request a trac component for your activity at
Open a trac ticket to request addition to Pootle our translation system (if your strings are mature)
Add your Activity to if you want to be on the SoaS distro
If your Activity is migrating over from the OLPC infrastructure:
See How to migrate from OLPC.
When releasing an existing Activity:
If you have one, update your wiki page at<actvity-name>
Upload your new .xo bundle, screenshots, notes to
Upload .bz2 source to /upload/sugar/sources/honey (e.g., scp to ...)
Edit and make sure it's pointing to your latest .bz2

Where do I find information about implementing X in Sugar?

Check Activity Team/Resources for a comprehensive list of developer documentation, tutorials and support channels.

How do I get my activity to install an external dependency?

You don't! Activity bundles are supposed to be self-contained, and not depend on anything else other than the standard Sugar platform. If you need additional dependancies, you will need to include them within your activity bundle. If your additional dependancies are binary, please be aware Sugar can be run on different machine architectures.

I have a question about Git, or Gitorious.

See Activity Team/Git FAQ for a specific FAQ about Git and Gitorious.

How do I upload my new activity to the Activities Library?

The best guide is Activity Team/How_to_migrate_from_OLPC, since that's where activities are coming from. As the infrastructure stabilizes and we get more new activities, we will post a new page.

How do I get my activity in the hands of students?

The absolute best way to get your activity out into the world is to attend an [OLPC:Deployment_meetings OLPC deployment meeting] and suggest it to the deployment representatives. They can test your activity and offer feedback, and will ultimately decide whether it ships.
Another good way is to post and promote your activity on This will get your activity into the hands of the G1G1 community and can be a stepping stone to getting included in the Sugar on a Stick distribution and in OLPC deployments.

Help! I suddenly can't push to Gitorious!

The OSUOSL which hosts Gitorious has an aggressive IP blacklist policy. If you once were able to push but now cannot, send an email to requesting that your IP be removed from the blacklist.

Is there a Commits mailing list?

Instead of a commits list, we use the RSS feed at This tracks the activity (commits, branches, comments, merge requests) of all projects hosted on Gitorious.

How do I get a trac component associated with my project?

File a ticket with the request. Please assign the ticket to the trac component, mark it as a task and don't forget to mention the name of your project and the default owner for the tickets.

How do I analyze my activity's memory usage?

Please refer to these pages for assistance in understanding the memory usage patterns of activities and the shell and for detecting leaks: and

How does one package an activity?

Save the file in the top directory of your activity development tree. To make an activity bundle, run the following code:
python dist_xo
An output bundle will be saved in the dist/ subdirectory. See also Activity bundles specification.

How can I find out what version of Sugar I am running?

You can go into the Sugar Control Panel; it is listed on the about-computer panel (which accesses jarabe.config.version). From the Terminal, you can type:
rpm -q sugar