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Revision as of 17:01, 12 July 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→Installation: Sugar Desktop from gdm Login)
- It is Recommended to look at Trisquel for another solution
- Trisquel is Ubuntu based and works well. (Trisquel 4 and 4.1 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Trisquel 4.5, on Ubuntu 10.10.)
- Trisquel 4.5.1-sugar: Trisquel On A Sugar Toast#trisquel-sugar_4.5.1_i686
- Sugar on Ubuntu wiki:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar
Sugar-desktop 0.88 on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
Sweets Distribution
- NEW 02/03/2011 alsroot and satellit
This is Dextrose 2, thus more than just Sugar 0.88, it contains several features that still are not committed to the trunk + bug fixes from 0.90+.
- Install sweets sugar 0.88.1 in Ubuntu-10.04/Trisquel-4.1 and Ubuntu-10.10/Trisquel-4.5
- sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org 07/03/2011
Alexy: Hi all, (Edited by satellit while installing on Ubuntu 10.10 HD install) If someone is using sweet packages for Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 and Trisquel 4.1/4.5 its download location was changed from http://bazaar-download.sugarlabs.org/ to the links shown below:
- Terminal:
- sudo su
- Repository uses new gpg key, to import it:
gpg --keyserver keys.sugarlabs.org --recv 3182B17D gpg --armor --export 3182B17D | sudo apt-key add -
- Look for 'OK
- Start Synaptic Package Manager
- Settings/Repositories/Other Software/Add..
- For Ubuntu-10.04/Trisquel-4.1:
deb http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.88/Ubuntu-10.04/ ./ deb-src http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.88/Ubuntu-10.04/ ./
- For Ubuntu-10.10/Trisquel-4.5:
deb http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.88/Ubuntu-10.10/ ./ deb-src http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.88/Ubuntu-10.10/ ./
- Synaptic Package Manager/
- Reload
- Quick Search (sweets)
- check sweets-distribution/apply
- exit
Sugar-emulator in Gnome
- Applications/Education/Sugar
- right click: Add this launcher to the desktop
- Open (right click)/Properties/Command: sweets-sugar-emulator -f
- add -f to command (full screen)
- Close
- Click on Sugar Icon
- My Settings
- About my Computer:
- Ubuntu 10.10
- 0.88.1
- Frame/slide bottom slider full left
- restart
- Sugar Desktop starts
Sugar Desktop from gdm Login
- Logout
- Click on Name
- Select Sweets Distribution on gdm bottom bar
- enter password; Login
- Tested on install 04/05/2011 satellit
- To turn off screensaver and power management:
- HINT:CAPS lock does not always work in sugar-terminal so use shift key to get lower case.
terminal: xset s off xset -dpms
Ubuntu 10.10 for PowerPC
- See /PPC.
Ubuntu Sugar Remix, Maple Syrup, and earlier Ubuntu versions