Some thought should go into maintaining this reference, Sugar Control Panel and not diverging resources. --FGrose 15:15, 8 December 2011 (EST)
How To clear Sugar of these keys and the name and color entries
- To clear Sugar of these keys and the name and color entries, enter the command
rm ~ rf /.sugar
in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown sugar su shutdown -h now
. This will clear all Learner information and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a
in Terminal.
- To reset only the ssh keys, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use
rm ~/.sugar/default/owner.key*
in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown sugar su shutdown -h now
. This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.
3rd line so get index
4th line so get index